Friday 15 July 2016

SS: Shattered Souls - Chapter 8

Ruhaan was having fun with Aashi and Ayush when Ayush patted his tummy and said, "I'm hungry!"
"You already ate 2 pizzas!" Ruhaan said with his eyes wide.
Aashi chuckled and said, "He is a foodie Roo bhaiyya! He is always hungry!"
Ruhaan chuckled and said seeing Ayush pouting, "Ok we'll go and eat something, come Ayu!" And the kids walked to the food counter.
Ayush took a big plate of food while Ruhaan and Aashi took juices. Aashi said pointing towards her family, "Come we'll go there!"
The kids went to the family and sat with them. Although everyone was really uncomfortable with Ruhaan sitting among them, they didn't show it in their faces.
"Aashi is a great fan of yours Ruhaan!" Anjali said, "She always listens to your music and if your concert comes up in TV, then she won't even let Nani ji to watch news!"
Ruhaan laughed and Aashi bit her tongue and looked at Ruhaan with puppy face.
Unable to hold her curiosity, mami asked, "Ruhaan, you're 16 but your dad looks young. How old was he when you were born?"
The smile on his face was wiped off. He looked at everyone and saw that everyone had the same expression on their face. Ruhaan looked at Aashi who also looked at him confused.
Ruhaan faked a smile and gulped down the drink.
"He is not your father right?" NK asked.
Ruhaan chuckled and said, "Why are you people so concerned about my dad? According to my knowledge, you people hates him right?"
Raizadas and Guptas looked at him with their eyes widened and Ruhaan said, "I know everything! And I know who you all are!"
"What are you talking about Roo bhaiyya?" Aashi asked confused, unable to get the head and tail of elder's conversation.
"Nothing dear! Anyway, it's time for me to go! See you tomorrow at AK's office. You'll come right?" Ruhaan asked to Aashi.
Aashi nodded her head and Ruhaan smiled. Giving her a kiss, he said, "Bye Aashi!"
"Bye...Roo bhaiyya!"

12.17 am
Raizada Mansion

"Akash, why aren't you sleeping?" Payal asked as she found him standing in the balcony when she woke up for a glass of water.
Akash turned and said, "I was...err...not getting asleep!" And he turned back.
Payal walked to him and asked, "What's wrong Akash?"
"I was...thinking about...err...bhai..." Akash stammered knowing well how Payal would react. And as expected...
"WHAT ABOUT HIM?" Payal asked sternly.
Akash sighed and said, "I was just wondering why he is doing all this? Why he did all those things? Why he left Khushi ji at mandap? And Ruhaan, how did he get Ruhaan? How can bhai let himself be someone's dad? How..."
"Look Akash, if you're so interested in getting answers ask the questions to your so called brother." Payal said angrily.
Akash sighed, "I know you hate him..."
"I loathe him!" Payal whispered in disgust.
"Even I...but he is my brother Payal! There is an extent to which I can hate him!" Akash whispered.
"Khushi is my sister! And I love her unconditionally! That brother of yours made my sister cry! And I'll never forgive her!" The possessive-protective sister in her said.
"What if he is repenting and wants to come back?" Akash asked.
"That's your family's decision to accept him or not. But I'll make sure that he stays away from Khushi and Aashi!" Payal said and walked away while Akash watched her going.
"Why did you do that bhai? Khushi ji was your life. You even fought with your di for her! Then why?" Akash whispered.

Next morning
Raizada Mansion

" the door! AKASH!"
The loud banging on the door broke Payal's sleep. She sat up on the bed and looked at the time. 6 am!
She walked to the door and opened it to see a furious Anjali standing.
"What happened di?" She asked worriedly.
"Is Akash awake?" Anjali asked.
Payal looked at her sleeping husband and nodded no.
Anjali got inside and walked to Akash. Shaking him she called out, "Akash...wake up..."
"What's wrong di?" Payal asked.
Anjali sighed and showed the newspaper she was holding to Payal.
Payal looked at the headlines and gasped.
Ruhaan "Singhania" - son of ASR and Khushi Singh Raizada?
New Delhi: Rockstar Ruhaan finally spotted together with his father about whom he sings praises. And it turned out that his father is none other than Arnav Singh Raizada, the business tycoon, who vanished from the business field seven years ago. So, is Ruhaan son of ASR and his wife Khushi Singh Raizada? Why is ASR away from his wife and daughter with his son?
From the sources, Ruhaan is 16 years old but ASR is only 36. So how come Ruhaan become his son? Did he born when his father was 20 years old? So ASR and Mrs. Raizadas were in a relationship years before their marriage or is it that ASR was in a relationship with someone else and Ruhaan is his son with some woman? Is it the reason why ASR and his wife split?
Who is Ruhaan's mother?
Who is Ruhaan's father?
Why did ASR and his wife split?
Stay tuned with Delhi Chronicles for further news.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Payal screamed.
Akash woke up and rubbed his eyes. Anjali shoved the newspaper to him and Payal said angrily, "I can't believe this! Whoever this Ruhaan is and whoever his parents are, I DON'T CARE! THEY ARE DRAGGING MY SISTER'S NAME TO IT!"
"Payal ji, obviously they would! If Ruhaan is Arnav's son, then obviously the question will turn to Khushi ji too!" Anjali said.
Akash sighed reading the paper and asked, "Did Khushi ji read this?"
Anjali nodded no and said, "She is still sleeping!"
Akash nodded and Anjali said, "Akash, call our PR and ask them to handle it. And yes, we have to stop this news to be telecasted in TV!"
Akash nodded no and said, "Ruhaan is the biggest celebrity the world has seen! The teen sensation! This news would have now been spread all around the world! We cannot stop this news now!"
"Then what to do? We can't sit back and watch Khushi's reputation being tarnished!" Payal said, "And what about Aashi? How would she react?"
Akash said, "Give me some time! I'll think about it! But first, let me go and see him, the person who gave the news to media!" He said and walked to the wardrobe taking a suit.
"Who?" Anjali asked.
"Arnav Singhania!" Akash shouted as he got into the washroom.

Hotel Millennium

"I'll handle it ASR. Don't worry!" Aman said and walked away.
"Dad, just stay calm! You know the media guys! They'll make a mountain out of a mole and will forget about it after two days! So, ignore!" Ruhaan said.
"No Ruhaan!" Arnav said, "Khushi is being involved here! She is being insulted! You're being insulted! And hell, even Aashi is being dragged in! I cannot ignore this!"
"Then what are you gonna do?" Ruhaan asked.
Arnav sighed and was about to say something when the door of their room opened and Akash walked in.
He threw the paper on Arnav's face and shouted, "LOOK WHAT YOU DID!"
Arnav looked at him weirdly and asked, "What are you saying?"
"Wow, what an acting Mr. Singhania! Look at the papers! I'm sure you have done this!" Akash shouted.
"WHAT? ME?" Arnav shouted.
"I'm sure you're the one who gave the news to media!" Akash shouted.
"Excuse me, Akash what's wrong with you?" Arnav asked.
"Oh please shut up!" Akash said, "I know what you want! You want to hurt Khushi ji again! In fact you want to hurt everyone of the family! That's why you're doing this right?"
Ruhaan sighed and said, "Mr. Raizada, anyone could have given the news! Hell, the media themselves were present in the party. So, how can you say that my dad gave the information to media?"
"I'm talking to your dad. You stay away Mr. Rockstar!" Akash said angrily.
"Don't use that tone with my son!" Arnav said angrily.
"SHUT AKASH AND GET OUT OF HERE!" Arnav shouted. Akash said, "I'm going but dare you try to hurt my sister-in-law, no one will be able to save you from me!"
"Ho gaya aapka dialogue delivery? Now you may leave!" Ruhaan said.

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