Sunday 31 July 2016

SS: Broken Strings - Chapter 12

Angel froze feeling the cold knife pressed on her throat. Her lips were parted and her eyes were drooping. Her limbs were numb as if no blood flowed through it She watched Advay's cold face with his one hand holding the knife at her throat and the other holding her hair tightly keeping her head unmoved.
All happened in a flash.
She heard a loud noise and something crashing down, which her mind assumed as the door broken down. In her blurred vision, all she saw was someone pulling Advay from her. Her throat was no more in contact with the cold sharp surface of the knife. She felt someone hugging her and making her stand.
Her vision became more and more blurred and Angel fell unconscious to her mother's arms.

Kiara walked into Angel's room where Akash and NK had tied Advay to the pole of the bed. He was sitting on the floor trying hard to untie the thick rope they had tied around both of his hands.
She walked to him and sat on the floor near him. He saw her and cried, "Please untie this...please..."
Kiara untied the rope and he rubbed his wrists which were red. It was bleeding as the rough rope tore his skin. Kiara got the first aid box from the cupboard and started nursing his wounds.
"Why did you do that?" she asked in whisper.
"She killed her" he said blankly.
"Yesterday you said that your father did that!" Kiara said.
"All of them are together! They all planned it and killed my wife and my unborn child!" Advay said bitterly, "This place is horrible! People here are monsters!" he said looking at the wounds at his hand.
She stood up and said, "It's time! We should go!"
Advay looked at her with fright visible in his eyes. He has to go back to those dim orange lights! The iron bars of the cell! He nodded no and said, "No...I won't come there! NO!"
"Advay, come with me!" Kiara said patiently.
"NO! I want to stay here with papa and mamma! I want to be with my family! I won't come! I want to be here!" He cried hysterically.
Kiara stood emotionlessly hiding her shock when she witnessed his sudden change.

"Are they gone?" Akash asked as Payal walked in. She nodded and said, "He was denying. Kiara convinced him somehow!"
"How is Angel?" he asked.
"Still under shock! Di is with her" Payal said in tears.
Akash looked at the Delhi view standing near the window when he heard her saying, "What has gone into Advay? He is hurting everyone!"
"He has gone mad!" Akash said coldly, "I can't let him create more drama here!"
"Akash!" Payal cried with her eyes widened, "Don't say so! He is our son too!"
"Angelina is our daughter Payal! I won't let him harm her again!" Akash said angrily, "It's been one month and he is not showing any changes. I doubt whether his MPD is chronic!"
"He'll be fine!" Payal whispered, "Don't say so Akash! He loves Angel! He loves everyone!"
"I can see his love for everyone!" he said mocking, "I'm gonna ask bhai to take his son far! Let him treat him or do whatever he wants but I want Advay to be away from all the family members!" 
"Akash!" Payal said in shock.
"I have decided Payal! I cannot let that mad boy harm others anymore!" Akash said sternly and turned to the door to walk out when he stopped. Payal noticed his expression and turned back to face the door.
Before them was Arnav, standing stiff as a pole!

"How are you feeling?" Kiara asked softly.
Advay sat uncomfortably in front of her on the chair with a large tray of food before him. They were in a silent restaurant where not much people were there. "Have your lunch" he heard her say.
He started eating rice when she said softly, "What do you want to do now? I mean, do you feel like doing something..."
"I want to celebrate papa's birthday" he said in a low voice.
"Why do you love your father?" she asked slowly.
"He is the best dad. He loves me so much and always stood by me" he said softly.
"Why do you love your mother?" she asked.
"Mamma cares for me so much. She is a good person. Whenever I'm hurt she cries along with me! She can't even bare a small scratch on me!" he said.
"Why do you love Hanna?" she asked.
His expressions were changing and she was observing him. "What do you see in her that you are head over heels in love with her?" she asked softly.
"She is perfect! I have never met anyone like her. Even in the midst of her financial struggles she is optimistic. She has a hope that everything will be alright which many of us do not have. We fall weak if any tragedy befalls but Hanna is not so. She loves everyone in this world. She sees a good thing in every bad thing!" he said.
"How did she die?" she asked straight.
Advay's hold on the spoon started getting tighter and tighter. She was closely observing his sudden change. "He killed her!" He said furiously, "Arnav Singh Raizada! He killed Hanna!"
"I don't want to know who killed her. I want to know how she died!" She said softly.
Advay closed his eyes and slammed his fist on the table causing the loud voice around the restaurant. The few people it had looked at them.
Kiara apologized to everyone and she held his fist tightly. "Why do you think that he killed her?" she asked softly.
"I saw him there!" he said with his breath irregular.
"Let's go for a walk!" she suddenly got up and dragged him out to the hotel's garden.

"Bas Akash!" Mami shouted, "How could you even say that?"
"What else should I say ma? Earlier it was bhai, then Khushi ji and now Angel! We should keep him away from the family!" Akash said.
"Bas Akash!" Mami said sternly, "Advay is our son! He loves everyone here. It's not him who is doing this, it's his disease. We must cure him, not keep him away! Saasuma, say something!" she said to Nani who was standing quietly.
Nani looked at Arnav and Khushi who were standing quietly. Sighing she said, "I agree with Akash bitwa"
Mami gasped and Arnav and Khushi looked at her in shock. NK walked to Nani and asked, "What are you saying Nani?"
"He would have killed Angel bitiya if we were a second late! Tomorrow it'll be someone else and what if we didn't reach at time?" Nani said.
"How can you say this Nani?" Anjali cried in tears, "He is our Advay! He cannot do..."
"Stop being emotional di! See the truth! HE IS MAD! HE IS HURTING EVERYONE! HE IS ATTEMPTING MURDER DI!" Akash shouted.
Khushi clutched Arnav's arm biting her lips to prevent her sobs. Arnav stood clutching his fist and his eyes closed.
"Treatment takes time Akash" Payal said in tears, "Kiara said na...once we prove it to him that none of us killed Hanna, he would become normal!"
"I don't want to hear anything!" Akash said, "I love Advay! I consider him as my son! But I love Angel too! She is my daughter! I love everyone here! And I can't let him hurt my loved ones!"
He turned to Arnav and said, "I'm sorry to say this bhai but you should take him to America and England or somewhere and treat him. Then bring him back! I want your son to be away from this family!" and he walked away.
Arnav stood watching numb his retreating back with Khushi hugging him tightly crying bitterly.

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