Saturday 9 July 2016

SS: Broken Strings - Chapter 1

“Happy father’s day papa!” Angelina or Angel hugged her father Akash Singh Raizada and cried.
The whole family sat shocked. Akash looked at his brother who had his eyes down at the floor and his fists clutched. Turning at his daughter and glaring at her, he swiftly moved away from her and changed the topic, “Di, what’s breakfast today?”
Anjali who was looking at her sister-in-law, who had her fingers holding the spoon of curry bowl tightly and her eyes closed, said, “ I made Khushi ji’s favourite dishes!”
“Hello hi bye bye...chalo...let’s eat!” Mami said and everyone nodded when Arnav stood up and walked away ignoring his sister’s and brother’s calls. Khushi kept the curry bowl aside and followed her husband.
“What’s wrong with you Angelina?” Akash asked sharply. Angel looked down and bit her lip. “I’m sorry papa!”
“We had told you right? I knew you would wish your papa! But haven’t we warned you not to?” Payal asked angrily, “Look what you have done!”
“Angel, your one mistake has caused Chotte sad! Did you see him? He became so upset! And so did Khushi ji!” Anjali said sternly.
Angel looked down and sighed. She looked at her family and said, “Why should I care? It’s because of Arnav chachu and Khushi maasi that Advay is not here. If you all miss him then why don’t you bring him back?”
“Stop it Angel!” Akash shouted, “We have talked about this before! You’re not a small girl that we have to repeat this again and again! Advay is not well. And he needs to be there!”
Angel looked away and whispered, but audible to everyone, “And who made him unwell?”
“Angel, please...” Payal whispered.
Angel sighed and taking her bag walked away but not before saying to Akash, “Happy father’s day dad! And please ask your brother to visit him, at least today!”

“Khushi ji...” Anjali called out as she entered her bhabhi’s room.
Khushi looked up from the album she was holding and smiled, “Come in di!”
Anjali came in and sat on the bed near her. “Are you crying?” Anjali asked seeing her tear strained cheeks. Khushi looked down at the album and said, “No di, I was just looking at these....”
Anjali looked at the photos and smiled through her tears.
Khushi caressed a photo and said in a chocking voice, “He was such a naughty baby! Look at him, chewing my dress!” Anjali looked at her bhabhi and tears rolled down her cheek seeing her state.
Turning the pages, Khushi said moving her fingers over the photo, “His first step! Thanks to Nanhe ji for filming it! Look at Arnav ji....he is stretching his arms for his son.” And she laughed, “I expected my son to be mummy’s raja...but he turned out to be a daddy’s boy!”
Anjali nodded and clutched Khushi’s hand tightly.
“I’m fine di” Khushi said in a broken voice, “I’m fine! I’m okay!” She said trying hard to smile through her overflowing tears.
“Khushi ji...” Anjali said wiping her bhabhi’s tears.
“I want to meet him” Khushi said in tears.

Aman’s voice jerked him. “Yes Aman!” he asked.
“Err....ASR, they are waiting for your answer!” Aman said.
Arnav looked at his London clients sitting before him and then at his PA. He sighed.
“ASR, are you okay?” his client asked in his pure British accent, “You’re pretty lost during the presentation too!”
Arnav looked away and said, “Err...yeah...yeah I’m fine! Sorry, I was just...lost....If you don’t mind, can we have this meeting later?”
“Sure!” His clients agreed and Arnav stood up walking to his cabin.

“Black coffee, without sugar!” He ordered to Aman who nodded and walked away.
Slumping on his chair, he closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose.
He clutched the either sides of his chair and recalled what it is today. Father’s day! The day which comes every year and when his son would rush to his room at sharp 12 to wish him!
He never had anyone to wish this day! His father was a cruel **** who cheated his mother. Father’s day held no significance for Arnav Singh Raizada. It was 27 years ago he realized how it feels to be a father. Arnav smiled faintly remembering the day he had held his son for the first time. He was so small that he feared he would drop him. His cute nose was like Khushi’s and he had a sudden urge to pinch his son’s nose! Khushi had laughed at him that day and said, “Arnav ji....don’t pinch his nose like you do to me!”
He chuckled recalling those days when he and his 6 year old son together bothered Khushi. She became hell angry seeing her favourite saree torn into bits. When she confronted them, they both had answered, “We don’t like that saree! You should not wear it!” And Khushi had looked at them both with her signature look with her mouth in O shape.
Arnav looked at his table and took the photo in his hand. It was his, Khushi’s and his son’s photo. It was taken 4 years back when he had passed out his college.
Caressing his son’s face, he murmured, “I’m so sorry Advay!”
“Sir!” Aman came in that moment and Arnav kept the photo at the table. Aman gave him coffee and said by giving him his phone, “Khushi bhabhi is calling Sir. Your phone was switched off. So she called me!”
“Yes Khushi!” Arnav asked.
“Arnav ji I want to meet him...” His wife said in her broken voice from the other side.
Arnav sighed and said by closing his eyes, “Get ready. I’ll come now!” He stood up and giving Aman his phone back, said, “Cancel my meetings and inform Akash that I’m leaving!” and he walked out of AR.

He bit his lips preventing himself from crying out loud. The sharp needle they are piercing into his skin was hell painful. He closed his eyes tightly and sucked the blood that sprouted from his lips. He could feel something being injected into him. Some liquid was flowing into his nerves. Not able to take the pain, he gasped. His vision was blurred and as more and more the injection pierced, the more and more he felt dizzy.
Slowly, Advay Singh Raizada fell into unconscious. While slipping to unconsciousness, his lips moved slowly as an attempt to say, “Happy father’s day papa”

“How is he?” Arnav asked.
Dr. Malhotra adjusted his specs and said, “Not well. We had taken him to Dr. D’souza for a counselling. He became violent and Dr. D’souza was injured.”
“Injured? How?” Khushi asked.
Dr. Malhotra sighed and said, “Advay beat him with a flower vase”
Arnav and Khushi looked at each other in tears and Akash who had come along clutched his bhai’s shoulder to make him strong.
“We have sedated him. He is sleeping now!” Dr said and Khushi asked, “Can we meet him?”
The doctor nodded.

She caressed her son’s thick hair. His eyes had dark circles around it and his beard looked grown. He needs a shave. She shuddered seeing his pale face which showed no sign of life. Biting her lips to prevent her sobs, she leaned and brushed her nose with his forehead. Closing her eyes, she whispered, “I love you baby....”
Arnav stood away watching his son lying on the bed with both of his hands and legs tied to the bed. His pale face and uncombed hair was all enough to tell him that he is not well. He watched Khushi leaning over him and sighed. Staring at his son’s white face, he whispered, “Get well soon my boy....”

1 comment:

  1. Wow great story please update soon
    I'm really looking forward to the next part of your story and what happened to their son why is he in the hospital
