Advay Singh Raizada
Kiara Chaturvedi

Angelina Singh Raizada
Chapter 5
"What happened next?" Kiara asked.
"Advay and Hanna started meeting frequently," Angelina said, "Advay used to go to the restaurant where Hanna works and both used to talk. They became good friends and Advay came to know about her family background."
"Hanna didn't have father. All she had was her mother. Her mother is ill and Hanna stopped her education after 12th. She started dancing in bar to earn money. After one year, her mother died and she lives all alone." Anjali said.
"It was then, one day, the showstopper of AR sprained her ankle!" Akash said.
"So what?" Kiara asked confused with the sudden mention of AR's showstopper!
"What are you saying Aman uncle?" Advay asked shocked.
"Ha Advay! Liza sprained her ankle!" Aman said.
"Oh god! The show's within 3 hours and how are we gonna get a new showstopper? Did you inform dad?" Advay asked.
"Do you think I'm crazy? ASR would kill me if he knows this!" Aman said, "Please Advay, only you can help me. Can you please ask any of your friends to be a model for this show?"
"But I don't know any..." Advay trailed off as he saw Hanna coming to him holding a tray.
Keeping the tray before him, she said with her sweet smile, "Enjoy your meal, sir!" And she went.
"Advay, you there?" Aman asked.
"I'll call you later uncle!" He said.
"But what about model?" Aman cried.
"Don't worry uncle, the model will reach there within an hour!" Advay said and cut the call.
"WHAT? ME AND MODEL?" Hanna screamed.
Advay nodded and Hanna said, "Dancing and singing are easy but modelling...are you crazy Advay?"
"Please Hanna, only you can save me now! The show is in 3 hours and we really need someone now!"
"Your sister can be the model!" Hanna cried.
"Di is not here Hanna! She is away on college trip with her students. You're the only person whom I know! Please please please do this..." Advay begged.
"But I haven't walked on a ramp ever..." Hanna cried.
"You dance in front of a huge audience every week!" Advay said, "Walking on a ramp is much easier than that!"
"But me..." Hanna cried when Advay stood up, "You're coming with me and that's FINAL!" He held her hand and dragged her to the car.
As he started the car, she said, "What if I fall on the ramp?"
"No problem!" He said.
"NO problem? Your daddy will kill you for getting such an idiotic model!" Hanna cried.
He smirked and said, "Dad will never shout if anyone fall on ramp!"
"Why?" she asked frowning.
"He had met his lady love from the ramp!" He said.
"What?" She asked excited.
"Mamma had fallen from the ramp straight to dad's arms! So falling on ramp is not a crime, especially in my father's eyes!" Advay said and Hanna burst into laughter.
"That was cute!" She said in between her laughs.
"Advay, did ASR know?" Aman asked tensed.
"We'll inform him after the show!" Advay said, "Where is Hanna?"
"She is in the green room!" Aman said and walked away.
Advay walked to the greenroom.
He knocked the door and hearing no response, he slightly pushed it. The door opened and he entered.
He entered and found her standing in front of the mirror with her back facing him, trying hard to tie her dori.
Advay gulped seeing her backless and he slowly closed the door.
Hearing the door's closing noise, Hanna turned and found him.
"Advay!" she asked surprised, "Why are you here?"
Advay woke from the daze and said, "I came to call you. The door was open so..."
"Door was open?" She frowned, "Oh my! I am so tensed that I even forgot to close the door!" She said smiling nervously.
He nodded and smiled.
He saw her taking her hands to her back and he said, "Should I help?"
"Huh?" She asked.
"I'll tie it" he said.
She smiled nervously and nodded. She slowly turned and Advay walked to her.
Taking the delicate strings on his hands, he slowly tied it. His hands brushed to her soft skin and she gasped. She clutched the dressing table with her hands and he whispered in her ears, after tying the dori, "You look beautiful" She closed her eyes feeling him standing close to her, his chest almost touching her back.
It was then Advay's phone rang and he suddenly moved away from her. She opened her eyes at the instant and turned to him.
He moved backwards and took the call. "Yeah dad...yeah I'm coming!"
He cut the call and said to her, "The show's about to start. Come!" She nodded and turned to the dressing table.
He saw her taking a clip and clipping her hair when he said, "Leave it open!"
She turned to him and he said, "Leave your hair open! I like that." And he walked away.
She turned to the mirror and unclipped her hair. The long hairs came down the instant and she smiled with his voice ringing in her ears.
I like that.
"And here we have the show stopper of AR presenting to you the exclusive design specially designed by the king of fashion, Arnav Singh Raizada!"
The announcer spoke and Aman whispered to Advay, "Will she do it?"
Advay smiled confidently and said, "She'll be the best!" He glanced at his father and uncle who were waiting for Sheetal to appear on stage.
He saw their faces going to frown and he smiled. He looked at the ramp where she was coming.
Arnav and Akash looked at each other seeing a young girl walking on the ramp instead of Sheetal.
Aman closed his eyes praying and Advay looked at the ramp. The whole crowd fell silent and was just gazing at her.
Hanna, dressed in a blood red sari and her long hair left open, walked through the ramp elegantly. She looked at the huge audience before her and then looked at the front seat to find Advay, the only person she knew there. She smiled beautifully at him and he too smiled back.
He gulped seeing her walking through the ramp. The red sari that perfectly fitted her highlighting her curves and her long hair that flew in air was looking damn irresistible. He watched her walking through the ramp on her high pointed heels elegantly. He saw her smiling at him and couldn't help but smile back.
Hanna reached the end of the ramp and then turned back to exit it.
As she walked back to the ramp, everyone clapped for the best showstopper of AR.
Akash said, "Who is she bhai?"
Arnav shrugged and said, "I don't know but she was awesome!"
Akash also nodded and the brothers clapped for the showstopper.
"After that show, bhai offered her a modelling contract with our company because we found her work good. She accepted that and soon joined our company!" Akash said.
"She shifted to the apartment that AR provides to its staff and within a month became the well paid model of AR," Angelina said, "In between this, Advay and Hanna grew closer. In other words, they both fell in love."
"We all liked Hanna. She was a good, traditional yet modern girl! We all wanted Advay and Hanna to pair up but..." Khushi trailed off when Kiara completed, "But you didn't know that Hanna was actually a bar dancer."
Khushi looked down and closing her eyes hummed. Kiara sighed and said, "What happened next?"
NK continued, "Advay proposed her on her birthday. Actually he had taken tips from Nannav! Hanna accepted it and we all were happy."
"But the next day..." Arnav said.
"Okay Aman, contact their managing director and fix an appointment," Arnav instructed Aman as he walked inside his cabin. Aman nodded and walked out. It was then Sheetal came in.
"ASR, why am I being terminated from AR?" She asked angrily.
Arnav looked at her and said, "We don't need you anymore Sheetal! Hanna will be the permanent showstopper of AR!"
Sheetal cried, "This is unfair ASR. I'm far more experience than that girl! In fact every model here is experienced that Hanna! How can she be the showstopper?"
"Because she is good at modelling!" Arnav said angrily.
"Or is it that she is your son's girlfriend?" Sheetal asked.
"GET OUT SHEETAL!" Arnav shouted.
Sheetal scoffed and said, "I'm going! But let me warn you, that girl is not good! She is trapping your son!"
Arnav rolled his eyes and Sheetal said, "Don't ignore me ASR. Who do you think Hanna is?"
"Get out Sheetal!" Arnav said sternly.
"HANNA IS A BAR DANCER!" Sheetal shouted.
Arnav looked at her shocked and Sheetal said, "Don't believe me? Then ask your Friday man Aman to enquire. He will also say the same - Hanna is a bar dancer! If you don't believe that also, ask Peter, Rolf, Aashiq and Rahul. They are Advay's friends and they will tell you who Hanna is!" And she walked away.
Arnav sat watching her retreating back. He was lost in thoughts when someone knocked his door. He looked at the door and found Rolf.
"May I come in sir?" He asked and he nodded.
Rolf came in and handed him a file.
"Rolf, where did Hanna work before joining AR?" Arnav asked directly.
Rolf looked at him shocked. "Tell me!" ASR demanded.
"Sir, you can ask Advay!" Rolf said stammering.
"Tell me where Hanna worked!" Arnav said sternly.
"Purple Orchid restaurant! She was a waitress there!" Rolf said looking at the floor.
"I'll fire you if you're lying!" ASR threatened.
"Sir, she used to work at two places. One is purple orchid!" Rolf said suddenly.
"The other one?" Arnav asked.
" can ask him..." Rolf stammered.
"Rolf!" Arnav shouted.
"Chameli bar!" Rolf said in his frightened voice.
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