Tuesday 5 July 2016

SS: Shattered Souls - Chapter 6

Raizada mansion shone like a palace. Of course it would! It was the Raizada princess’ birthday today. All the business giants of the country was invited by the AK group’s owners Khushi and Akash and everyone were enjoying the party except the Raizada family themselves.

“Aashi darling, it’s very late. Come and cut cake....see all the guests are waiting!” Khushi said calmly to her daughter.
Aashi nodded no and said firmly, “I’ll cut the cake only when Roo bhaiyya arrives!”

“Come on baby....he is a big star. Why would he come for your birthday party?” Khushi tried explaining it when Aashi said, “He promised that he would come. And his daddy also said the same. They......oh here they are!” Aashi cried seeing the media and also people running towards the entrance.

“It’s Ruhaan!”

Aashi and Khushi heard someone screaming and Aashi cried, “Roo bhaiyya came! Mamma I told you....see he came!” Aashi ran to the entrance.

Khushi turned back to her family who was standing stiff as a pole with their eyes fixed on the entrance.

“RUHAANNN!” people screamed as Ruhaan and Arnav walked through the entrance steps.

Reporters began their questions, “Ruhaan, is this your father? But isn’t he Arnav Singh Raizada, owner of AR Fashions who vanished in thin air seven years ago!”

Ruhaan chuckled and said, “Can you see him? Yes, don’t you? And so do I! So he did not vanish!” And he walked behind his father who was walking fast to escape the media.

As they got away from the media square, Ruhaan felt someone hugging his waist. He looked down and cried, “Oh my, who is this angel?”

He bend down to the girl’s height and said, “Hello dear angel, did you see the birthday girl Aashi anywhere?”

The girl squealed, “Roo bhaiyya, it’s me Aashi....”

“Oh!” Ruhaan acted surprised, “My goodness! You’re Aashi! You’re looking gorgeous!”

Aashi giggled and then said to Arnav, “Hello uncle!”

“Hello darling, happy birthday!” Arnav said with a smile and handed her over the gift.

“This is from your Roo bhaiyya and his daddy!” Arnav said as Aashi held the gift he gave her. “Thank you uncle!” She chirped.
Ruhaan gave a fake smile and looked at his dad who was smiling. He wondered, “Doesn’t it pain him when his own daughter calls him uncle?”

Aashi led them inside and walked to Khushi. “Mamma, see Roo bhaiyya and uncle came”

Khushi faked a smile and greeted them, “Welcome Ruhaan, Mr. Singhania!” She said without looking at Arnav.

Ruhaan mouthed a thank you and Aashi said, “Roo bhaiyya, come! I’ll introduce you to my little brother!” And she dragged Ruhaan away leaving Arnav and Khushi alone.

“Brother?” Arnav asked. Khushi looked at him and said emotionlessly, “Jiji and Jeeju’s son, Ayush!” And she walked away.

Arnav sighed and turned around to see the ad shoot’s director standing. He walked to him and they began their conversation.

“He’s still the same” Anjali whispered.

The Raizadas stood watching Arnav talking with the director when the Guptas commented.

Madhumati said, “If he comes near my Titaliya I’ll kill him!” 

Nani turned to her and said, “Don’t worry Madhumati ji, none of us will let him near Khushi bitiya!”

“Why is he back, for god sake?” Payal muttered angrily, “I wish he rot in hell! Look at him, after giving all pain to my sister he’s walking away happily with his so called son!”

“But I don’t understand how Ruhaan became his son! Arnav is 36 and Ruhaan is 16. Their ages doesn’t match!” NK said.

“I don’t care!” Shashi, who is now better and void of his wheelchair, said, “If he hurt my daughter more, I’ll not leave him!”

It was then Aashi and Ayush came there with Ruhaan.
“Roo bhaiyya, this is my family!” Aashi chirped.
Holding Ruhaan’s hand, Ayush hopped, “Roo bhaiyya, that’s my mamma!”

Ruhaan folded his hands and said Namaste to Payal who reciprocated it with a fake smile.

“This is Anjali bua, NK Chachu, Badi dadi, Mami and Nanibua ....” Aashi said and Ruhaan smiled at everyone folding his hands and gave a handshake to NK.

“I’m a great fan of you Ruhaan!” NK said, “If you don’t mind, can I have your autograph?”

Ruhaan smiled and said, “Of course!” And he signed his name in a paper for NK.

“Roo bhaiyya’s signature is very beautiful!” Ayush said, “I’ll also practise a good sign for me!”

Everyone smiled and Ruhaan said, “Of course young man! And I’ll be the first one to get your signature!”

“Sachi?” Ayush asked with glistening eyes and Ruhaan nodded.
Ruhaan turned around and said to the family, “My dad also came along! I don’t where he is! I would have introduced him to you all!”

Everyone’s smile faded hearing the mention of his dad which didn’t go unnoticed by him.

“Don’t worry Roo bhaiyya, I’ll find him and will introduce to family!” Aashi chirped and Ruhaan smiled and pulled her cheek.

The cake was cut and Aashi fed her mamma first and her family. She gave Ruhaan a piece too which he accepted with a smile. She went towards Arnav and said, “Uncle, please bend down!”
Arnav smiled and bend down as she fed him cake.
Ruhaan smiled at them while the Raizadas and Guptas stood with disgust expression. Khushi watched the father and daughter with tears about to spill. Hiding it cleverly, she said, “Aashi, come!”

Aashi turned and ran away to her mamma while Arnav watched his daughter’s retreating back.

The party was on full swing but Arnav stayed away from the family. He engaged himself in conversation with the shoot director, who said,

“Sir, there is a problem with the shoot. I have said this to Khushi mam and Akash Sir.” He said when Arnav asked, “What problem?”

“Sir, the couple who were appointed to act as Ruhaan’s parents in the shoot met with an accident! So we need to look for new people!”

“Okay, you arrange someone!” Arnav said.

“It’s not easy to get people in a short time! I have some contacts but all of them are tightened with their schedules. So, I was thinking whether....”

“Whether?” Arnav asked.

“Whether you could do the role of Ruhaan’s father in the ad! You’re his father. You needn’t act as one!” the director said.
Arnav sighed and said, “You can take as much as time, but bring some professional actors!” And he walked ignoring the director’s call.

He walked to the drinks section where he took a glass of wine. He stood there sipping it when he saw his family sitting around a huge table.

Anjali was saying something to Nani and was laughing. 

Mami was attacking her food while Payal and NK were sharing some jokes. Shashi and Madhumati were talking something with Akash. Khushi was listening to Anjali’s talks and everything looked so perfect.

A pang of pain hit him.

Once he was also a part of that little bunch of people. It was there where he belong to! Once it was him in the place of Akash when Khushi’s Buaji would start her rants about Laxminagar. It was him in the position of Payal when NK used to pester him calling him “Nannav”. He used be in Nani’s position listening to what his di was telling.

Once he was in mami’s position, sitting next to Khushi.
Khushi! His happiness!

A lone tear escaped his eyes which he wiped away before anyone notices.

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