Friday 15 July 2016

SS: Shattered Souls - Chapter 7

"Eat it Roo bhaiyya!" Aashi cried putting a plate of Jalebis before Ruhaan.
"No Aashi, I don't like Jalebi!" Ruhaan said.
"No way, today is Aashi di's birthday and you have to fulfil her wish!" Ayu cried.
"Eat it!" Aashi ordered and took a Jalebi forwarding it to his mouth.
Ruhaan looked at her forwarded hand and many images flashed to him.
"Roo bhaiyya, eat this!" A little girl of 5 cried holding a spoon of kheer before him.
"I don't want this Ruhi!" He cried.
"Today is Ruhi's birthday and you have to fulfil Ruhi's wish! Eat it!" Ruhi cried forwarding the spoon.
"Roo bhaiyya!"
Aashi's call jerked him and he looked at the little girl before him.
She so resembles her! His Ruhi! His little angel!
"Eat this!" Aashi again ordered.
Ruhaan looked at her with tears and opened his mouth slightly. Aashi fed him the Jalebi and asked, "Why are you crying?"
Ruhaan wiped the tears off and said, "Wo...these lights are hurting my eyes..."
"Oh, then we'll go there!" Aashi said pointing upstairs.
Ruhaan nodded and the three kids went upstairs.

The party was growing more and more interesting and joyous when everyone got on the dance floor. Little Aashi and Ayush were the one who began it and soon every guest followed them.
Ruhaan stood far away with his dad who was looking at the Raizada parivaar. Ruhaan sighed and said to his dad, "Why don't you go and meet them?"
Arnav looked at him alarmed.
"I know dad! I know that they are your family!" He said.
"How do you?" Arnav asked shocked.
"I heard some employees talking at AK and I confirmed it from Aman uncle!" He answered.
Arnav sighed and looked away when Ruhaan said, "You need to meet them and sort it out!"
"There is nothing to sort out!" Arnav said and walked away.
Ruhaan sighed and walked to the family. Raizadas and Guptas faked a smile at him. They liked this boy for sure! Even though he is star, he behaves very politely which is unlikely to all other rockstars in the world. But they hated him because he was with that man whom he calls dad. They disliked him because he considers that man as god and always sings his praises.
Ruhaan asked Khushi, "Will you join me for a dance?" He extended his hand.
Khushi and others looked at him shocked and he said chuckling, "What matters for a dance is height not age! We both are of same height. So..."
Khushi chuckled and nodding her head, gave her hand to him.

In the middle of their light dance, Ruhaan whispered, "Do you still love him?"
Khushi looked at him alarmed. He smiled and said, "I know about you. I know that you all are my dad's family!"
Khushi looked away when Ruhaan asked again, "Do you still love him?"
"NO!" She said sternly.
"Is it the truth?" Ruhaan asked and Khushi looked at him his face and said, "Yes."
"If so, then why are you wearing this chain?" Ruhaan asked pulling out her mangalsutra which was beneath her diamond necklace.
Khushi looked at him alarmed and then looked around. Thankfully no one saw them in between the huge crowd at dance floor.
She pulled it back and hid it when he said, "You do love him don't you?"
Khushi looked away and said sighing, "Even if I love him, I won't go to him! I won't commit mistakes again and again!" And she walked away while Ruhaan stood watching her retreating back.

"Anjali bitiya, it's very noisy here. We'll go to the garden!" Nani said to Anjali who nodded and the ladies walked to the quiet and calm garden of Shantivan.
"Nani!" Anjali whispered and Nani looked at Anjali who was looking at a direction. Following her granddaughter's vision, she saw Arnav standing in the garden.
Nani and Anjali looked at each other and then at the Arnav who was standing with his back facing them.
"Let's go!" Nani whispered and tried to turn when Anjali whispered, making sure that he do not hear them, "Nani, he is smoking!"
Nani looked at his back and saw smoke around him. She looked at Anjali and said, "Let him! Come!"
Anjali looked down and then turned to go when her brace of leg hit the flower pot there.
"Aah!" She cried as she fell down. "Anjali bitiya!" Nani cried.
Nani bend down at Anjali and held her hand to make her stand. Anjali held Nani's hand and tried to get up when her leg again got locked between the pots and she fell again.
Anjali bit her lips in pain and held Nani's hand tightly. It was then she felt two strong hands holding her arms and pulling her up.
She looked up and saw her brother lifting her up. Holding her arms tightly, Arnav made her stand and he bend down and pulled out her saree pallu which was got hooked to the pot.
"Di, are you okay?" He asked softly.
Anjali looked at her Chotte! It was now she was seeing him closely after long seven years. He looks a bit old. A few grew hairs and stressed forehead, he looks very weak. But his eyes are still the same which holds nothing but concern towards his di. She looked at him with tears.
"Di, does it still pain?" He again asked holding her arm.
Nani looked at her grandson after seven years! A part of her wanted to hug him and scold him in her sweet way for going away from them. She looked at his figure which became leaner than before. His hands are as thin as a stick, as if he doesn't have any flesh! His eyes were weak and had lost all his charms.
Anjali was about to say something when she heard NK's voice, "Di..."
Anjali and Nani turned back and saw NK coming. "Are you okay? What are you both doing here?" He asked. It was then he noticed Arnav.
He looked at Anjali and Nani and then at Arnav.
"Di..." NK began when Anjali said, "I'm fine NK bhai. My leg hit the pot and he helped me, that's all!"
Anjali looked at Arnav and said, "Thank you for your help Mr. Singhania!" And she walked away holding Nani's hand.
Arnav looked away and gulped down the lump formed at his throat when he heard NK's voice, "Ruhaan is not your son, right?"
Arnav looked at her and said hoarsely, "For me, he is my son!"
NK smiled mockingly and said, "Have a great life, with your family'!" And he walked away.
Arnav stood watching his brother, who knew nothing but pester him, walking away without even calling him "Nannav".
He slipped his hands to his pocket and took his stress buster - cigarettes.

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