Sunday 31 July 2016

SS: Broken Strings - Chapter 17

Advay watched his mother feeding him mechanically. She was dipping paratha in curry and was forwarding it to his mouth but she was lost in some other world.
"Mamma" he called out softly.
Khushi jerked from her thoughts and looked at him. "Curry is over" he said pointing to the plate.
"Oh, I'm...sorry...I'll bring some more..." she said and was about to get up when he held her hand. "Don't cry" he whispered.
Khushi looked away and heard him telling, "He did that mamma. I know it's hard to believe but it's the truth! He killed my Hanna!"
Khushi withdrew her hand and said, "I know him more than you do Advay" and she walked away leaving him watching her retreating back.
Just as she went away, Kiara entered the room. "Hello" she called out. He looked at her and smiled faintly. She walked in and sat on his bed beside him and handed him a bar of chocolate. He smiled and took a small piece and she told, "I just love chocolates!"
"Hanna also loved chocolates" he whispered looking at the bar of chocolate in his hand. Kiara was silent for a moment and then said, "How do you feel now? You aren't eating anything and are fainting due to tiredness! Eat something mister!"
He smiled and said patting his stomach, "I ate a stomach-full" She chuckled and patted his tummy saying, "Mamma's raja needs mamma's food, right?" he smiled faintly and then looked at her.
It was then he was noticing her attire. She was wearing a dark green kurti with white embroidery. She had left her hair open and had no specs.
"You look like Hanna" he said and she looked up startled. "She used to wear dresses like this. You look exactly like her!" he said softly.
Kiara nodded and suddenly changed the topic sensing that the talk wasn't going in a good direction.

Hanna Samohar Bundela, called as Hani by her parents, is originally from Ratnanagari, a remote village of Madhya Pradesh. Her parents had shifted to Delhi when Hanna was 13 years old for a good job. But Mr. Bundela died in an accident just a year after, i.e when Hanna was 14. She and her mother had a lot of struggles living in the city but they managed. Her mother started going for household chores and she sometimes helped her. Hanna stopped her studies after 12th and started to dance in Chameli bar for earning money. Her mother died 3 years later due to illness. Hanna continued with her dancing and also worked in a restaurant. But after that she joined AR Fashion house as a model and soon became the head model of AR. She then married Advay Singh Raizada, son of ASR, 10 months ago.
    Suraj sighed and closed the file. Nothing remarkable! He called for Manoj and said, "Prepare our vehicle. We'll go to Ratnanagari! I hope we'll get something from there!"
Well, he wasn't wrong! Something was waiting for them at Ratnanagari!!!!!!

She lay flat on the bed and looked at the other side where he used to lie. She caressed his pillow and tears rolled down her cheek. She moved to his side and buried her face in his pillow crying her heart out.
It was then she heard a knock sound. She sat up on the bed and realized that someone was at door. "Come in" she called out and the door opened and entered Kiara.
"I just wanted to check whether you're alright" Kiara said softly as she entered the room.
"I'm not okay" Khushi said in tears. Kiara looked down and said, "I don't know what to say but...Advay saw him there..."
"If you're here to convince me that my Arnav ji killed Hanna, then the door is wide open for you Kiara" Khushi said sternly.
"No...I didn't mean that. Advay is under stress. He saw someone in dizziness and that someone resembled Mr. Raizada. I'll try my best to clear his misunderstanding. I just want to say that...don't cry...when you're hurt, it hurts Advay too!" she said.
"When Arnav ji is hurt, I'm hurt!" Khushi said in tears.
"When you both are hurt, your son is also hurt!" Kiara said.
"Then why is he hurting us? He knows that Arnav ji will never do it. Then why is he doing this?" Khushi shouted in despair.
Kiara sighed and sat beside her. She held her hand and said, "See aunty...just for once, think from his side. He saw his wife, whom he loves so much, being raped in front of his eyes. He saw someone coming closer to her and shooting her with a gun. And that someone resembled his father. He is under shock. The shock of his wife's death and his father's betrayal"
"HE DID NOT DO THAT" Khushi shouted.
"I know. I trust him. He will never hurt his son and his daughter in law. But Advay saw that. His mind is already in a trauma. The image of his father killing Hanna has been imprinted in his mind. Unless we prove it to him that it was not Mr. Raizada, we cannot bring him back." Kiara said calmly.
Khushi sighed and looked down. Kiara said softly, "You need to be very strong. Your husband is in jail, your son is ill. You have to stand up. You have a huge family supporting you. Take their help and try hard to set everything right!"
Khushi nodded and wiping her tears she said, "I will"

The next morning, Suraj and Manoj walked through the streets of Ratnanagari enquiring about Bundela family. But all they got was that no one from their family exists now. Vijay Samohar Bundela and his wife had only one son, Param Samohar Bundela, Hanna's father. The last of the Bundela kin was Hanna and Suraj passed his hands through his hair in frustration.
He sighed and walked to one of the house as he was very thirsty. He saw a woman there and asked, "Can you please give me a glass of water?"
The woman nodded and went in. He spoke with the men at the house and drank the water when his eyes stuck at the photo which hung on the wall of the house.
The glass dropped from his hand and he asked standing up, "Who is this girl to you?"
The man looked at the photo and said, "That's my brother's daughter, Kiara Chaturvedi."
"And the girl with her?" Suraj asked shocked.
"Her best friend, Hanna Bundela"

Suraj stood frozen.

SS: Broken Strings - Chapter 16

Hanna's smiling photo greeted him as he entered his room after one month. He looked around the room of which each and every nook and corner held memories of her. He sat on the bed caressing her side where she used to turn her back to him and sleep when she was angry with him. He smiled faintly as he picked up her pillow and inhaled her scent. He looked at the dressing table where her favourite cosmetics lay. His eyes shifted to her bangle set which she used to wear and jingle it near his ears to wake him up in the morning. He looked around the room and his eyes stuck at the table where a cute little teddy bear was kept. He walked to it and took the bear in his hand. She had nagged him for buying that bear stating that it was for the baby. Every day she used to kiss the bear and used to say, "Once our baby comes, she'll play with this" She was so certain that it's a girl!
His mind suddenly flashed to that night. Her screams became louder and louder for him and he shut his ears and closed his eyes. The sight of those slimes pulling her to him was flashing in front of him. His breaths started to be irregular when the flash of his father coming with his gun came before his eyes. Suddenly Kiara's words floated into his mind.
From all these years with your father, DO YOU THINK THAT HE KILLED YOUR WIFE?
Sometimes our eyes do cheat us Advay
He is your father whom you love the most!
Your father loves you so much! The whole family loves you! They won't hurt you Advay! They can never dream of hurting you or Hanna!
His pulled his hairs in frustration and cried out hard.

Akash sighed hard and Khushi broke into sobs seeing the lawyer coming out of Suraj's office dejected. "I'm sorry sir. It's a non-bailable offence. I tried my best!"
"Thank you" Akash said and he looked at Khushi. Khushi said in tears, "I want to meet him" Akash nodded and walked to Suraj. Suraj nodded and said, "You have 10 min! Go in"

Khushi cried seeing him sitting inside the dark cell in one corner with his hands on knees and face hidden inside them. "Arnav ji!" she called out weakly and he looked up.
She ran to him and hugged him tight. He hugged her tight and hid his face in her hair. She cried her heart out and he clutched her dress in her back. "Don't cry..." he whispered and she broke down more.
"I'll tell Advay to change his statement!" she said weakly in between her sobs. He didn't say anything but hugged her tight hiding himself in her. She tried to withdrew from hug but he held her tight and whispered in his broken voice, "Don't go" She gulped down the lump formed at her throat and hugged him tight caressing his back soothing him.
"Do you trust me?" she heard him asking. "I trust you more than myself!" she whispered in his ears. "Then why doesn't he trust me?" he asked in his broken voice and she bit her lips and then said, "He is under shock"
He hugged her more tight and whispered, "Don't leave me Khushi! These cells are horrible! There iron bars...they are scary..." She bit her lips to stop her sob and caressed his back whispering, "Everything will be alright!"
He whispered, "Bring Advay back home!"
Khushi somehow withdrew from the hug and asked, "Why?" Arnav gulped and said, "I sat here for just one hour and I'm not able to take it. My son was staying inside such a cell for one freaking month! How much pain would have he felt?"
Khushi sobbed and he said, "Now I'm not home! He won't turn violent! Bring him back and request Kiara to stay at Shantivan!"
"She has already done that!" Khushi said. Arnav looked at her and she said, "Advay is back. Kiara decided that Advay should stay at home with his family! She is also staying there with us!"
It was then the police man came in. "Mam, your time is over!"
Arnav held Khushi's palm tightly whispering, "Don't go" Khushi gulped down her tears and leaned to his face kissing him not even caring that the police man is witnessing that.

Angel walked out of her room through the corridor when she came in front of her brother's closed door.
She didn't know what to do. When she heard her father and badi dadi telling that Advay should be away from the family, she fought with them. But she had to admit that she is now scared of her little brother. She looked at the closed door and stood numb not knowing whether to knock or not.
Gathering all the courage, she knocked his door. Hearing no response after many knocks, she opened the door and peeked in.
Her heart bled seeing him sitting with his knees drawn to chest in one corner of the dark room with his hands covering each of his ears and face hidden behind the knees. The sister in her overcame all the fear she had and walked to her brother.
She kneeled beside him and held his knee. He looked up and saw her. She bit her lip seeing his tears stricken face. She smiled faintly and lifting her hands, wiped away his tears. He looked at her and she widened her arms and whispered, "Come"
Advay didn't wait for another second and hugged his sister tight. He cried on her shoulder and she caressed his hairs consoling him. "She left me di..." she heard him whisper.
Angel caressed his hair and whispered, "Let it out Advay...tell me..."
Advay hugged her tight and cried, "I can hear her screams...she was screaming for me...for me to save her! I can still hear that Hanna was in pain and...and I...couldn't do...anything..."
"It's fate Advay. No one can stand against fate..." she whispered.
He withdrew from hug and cried, "What kind of fate is this? My Hanna didn't deserve this! Why did god give her such a fate?"
Angel looked down not knowing how to wipe away all her brother's pain. She wiped his tears and said, "Don't cry. It hurts everyone!"
He broke into tears and said, "Why did he do that di? How could papa do that? I loved him so much. Hanna loved him so much! How could he do that to us?"
Angel sighed and caressed his hairs. She saw his head swaying. "Advay..." she called out and sat up from her sitting position. She saw him falling unconscious mumbling Hanna's name.
"KIARA!!!!" she shouted in panic.

"I need all details about Hanna!" Suraj ordered to Manoj who nodded his head and walked away. Suraj sat on his chair and sighed hard.
He knew that Arnav was not at fault. But to satisfy his higher officials he had arrested him. It was not Arnav. He was present at the party during the time of advay's kidnap and the time he said that Hanna was killed. It's someone else. But who?
Who is that lady?
Brown haired tall lean woman...
None of Raizada women have brown hair.
He had asked the rural SP to provide them a sketch but he is not able to recall her face properly and that idea went in vain.
Who is she?
Suraj sighed and drank a glass of water.

SS: Broken Strings - Chapter 15

"But how come the gun came from my wardrobe?" Arnav asked frowning.
"I'm getting scared Arnav ji...someone is plotting against us!" Khushi said in her scared voice, "Advay saw you killed Hanna which is not possible. Someone impersonated you! Someone hid gun inside your clothes! Someone is against us!"
"But who? It is not Shyam! He was dead 20 years ago!" Arnav said.
"What if he isn't dead?" Khushi asked shivering.
"He was hanged to death Khushi! It was the death penalty by the court!" Arnav said, "Shyam is dead!"
"Then who?" Khushi asked.
"I don't know!" Arnav said frustrated.

"What's happening?" Kiara asked as she came out hearing some noises.
"Dr Advay is creating a hungama!" attenders said. Kiara sighed and walked to his cell. Ordering the attenders to go, she got into the cell and asked, "What's wrong?"
Advay was sitting in one corner sweating like hell. "I want to go home! I don't want to stay here...please Kiara, please take me home! This place scares me..." he cried hysterically.
"Advay, relax, calm down!"
"No...I WANT TO GO HOME! THIS PLACE IS HORRIBLE! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TAKE ME HOME!" He cried and cried and fell at her feet.
Kiara jumped back when he did that. "Please take me home!" he said in tears and she stood numb not knowing what to do. She always knew that cells and hospitals won't do well for him. He needs his family! He should be with his family! But what can be done if he is hurting the same family at a moment and the next moment wants to stay with them?

"Come in sir!" the chemist at Brahma hospital, one of the hospitals in the outskirts of Delhi, welcomed him inside his office.
"You got a body fitting Hanna's description?" Suraj asked. The chemist nodded and said, "It was an unknown body. We got it a month back!"
"Where is it?"He asked.
"We burnt it sir! We do not keep unknown bodies for so's been a month!" the chemist said, "Here are the autopsy reports!"
"What was her physical condition when she was found?" Suraj asked flipping the pages of file.
"Brutally raped and shot right at her forehead," chemist replied, "there were signs of protest in her body and from the reports it can be concluded that she was raped by many men!"
"How?" Suraj asked.
"There were many stab marks on her body. Seems like they had tried to destroy her body after rape. Some stabs were light but some were hard. Some were by left hand and the other by right. It's a not a single person! There are many men involved!" chemist said.
"How many bullets were there in the body?"
"Just one sir. At forehead"
"And the bullet number?" Suraj asked searching the number in the file. The chemist leaned and pointed to the last sentence of the page, "here is the bullet type and number"
Suraj handed the file to Manoj who checked it and said, "Sir, the bullet type matches with the gun we have got!"
Suraj nodded and turned to chemist, "It was a rape case. Why wasn't an FIR filed?"
"We had filed sir. But the police didn't take interest!"
"Where did you file the case?" Suraj asked standing up.
"Rural SP sir!" chemist replied and Suraj walked away nodding.

She leaned on the headboard as she caressed the hairs of her husband who had fallen asleep on her lap. Her mind went back to those days when the house was filled with happiness and laughter! Her baby! He used to run around the house playing pranks on her, teaming up with his dad, teasing Angel on her new date, commenting on Anjali's saris, being his chachus' little boy...and now!
Now her son is in mental asylum and those people are tying him on chair passing those horrific electric shocks through his body. How much her son is bearing?
She let out a breath of relief thinking about Kiara. She is a great girl! Of what they heard from Dr. Malhotra she is a great doctor. She has her own way of treating patients and she is the only hope of Raizada family.
Khushi's eyes went to the man who was sleeping on her lap. Her heart bled seeing his pale and tired face. How much he is bearing? He clearly does not deserve this. What has he done that he is getting all hatred from the very person who is his life? No father in this world would love his son like Arnav ji loves Advay! Yet, no father would have ever faced the situation that her Arnav ji was facing!
Closing her eyes, she begged to Devi maiyya, "Hey devi maiyya, please set everything alright! Please bring happiness to this house!"
Akash stood by the door of their room and watched this. He turned and walked away to his room. "I'm sorry bhai, bhabhi!" he said to himself, "I know I'm hurting you. I love Advay. I want him to be alright! But he is hurting everyone here! He needs treatment and for that he should be away from his family!"

"He needs to be with his family doctor!" Kiara argued with Dr. Malhotra, "He won't be cured unless he is among his loved ones!"
"Stop it Kiara! I won't agree for this!" Dr. Malhotra said sternly.
"Doctor, if you have trusted me in his case, then trust me for this time too. If this didn't work, we'll bring him back here and think of some other way to treat him. But just once, let's test this!" Kiara said.
"What if he tries to hurt others?" Dr. Malhotra asked.
"I'll take the responsibility sir!" Kiara said.

"There was a rape victim's body reported at a hospital and why didn't you get into action?" Suraj asked angrily to rural SP who shivered in fear seeing the commissioner and assistant commissioner before him.
"Sir...wo we enquired but..." SP stammered when Suraj demanded, "Show me the report!"
He stood mum and Suraj shouted, "SHOW ME YOUR DAMN INVESTIGATION REPORT!"
Commissioner sighed and said, "What's your name?"
"Rana Singh" SP said.
"Mr. Singh, you're dismissed!" commissioner said standing up.
"Sir, please sir...I have a family..."
"Sir we had started our investigation when someone asked us to stop it. She asked to tear up the FIR report!" SP said.
"She?" Suraj asked.
SP nodded and said, "I don't know who it is. A lady came here and gave me a bag of money. She asked me to close the file or else she would kill my children!"
"Who is that lady?" commissioner asked.
"I don't know who she is sir!"
"Describe her!" Suraj said.
"Tall, lean, fair, brown hair..." SP said.
"Didn't she tell her name?" Suraj asked and SP nodded no.

Kiara walked in Raizada mansion with Advay walking with her happily. They entered the house and walked to living room to find everyone sitting there.
Everyone stood up seeing them and Kiara began to say something when the main door opened and many police men rushed in.
Everyone looked at each other and Suraj came standing in front of Arnav.
"I'm sorry ASR. But I have to arrest you!" He said. Everyone gasped and Arnav looked at him in shock. "But Suraj..."
"ASR, you are arrested in suspicion of Hanna's murder" Suraj said handcuffing Arnav.
Kiara looked at Advay who was looking at Arnav emotionlessly. She then looked at Suraj who said,
"The gun we got from here is registered on your name. One bullet from it is missing. And we got a body matching Hanna's descriptions whose autopsy reports clearly states her raped condition and the bullet shot at forehead that killed her. And the final proof is that the bullet from the body matches the bullet missing from your gun! Do I need any other proof to prove that you did it?" Suraj asked.
Khushi said, "Suraj ji, you're wrong. Arnav ji will never do this! You know him!"
"I'm sorry Mrs. Raizada. I have proofs against him and his own son's testimony that he saw his father with the gun that night!" Suraj said and turned to Advay saying, "Tell me what you saw that night!"
Advay looked at Arnav who was standing pale and then at Khushi who was crying. Khushi ran to him and cried, " raja! Please believe me, you saw it wrong! He is your father, he would never do this...please raja..."
Advay looked at Suraj and said, "I saw him there sir! I saw him coming with a gun in his hand and shooting my Hanna!"
"I DID NOT DO THAT!" Arnav shouted.
"I was not that dizzy that I cannot recognize you, dad! It was YOU and I clearly saw that!" Advay shouted.
"Here you go! This one statement of your son is enough to arrest you ASR. But I didn't do that! I waited for proofs but I was failed. I thought you were innocent but you weren't!" Suraj said and walked away while the police men dragged Arnav away while Arnav kept on shouting that he didn't do that.
Advay watched the police dragging his father away and marched to his room slamming the door hard.

SS: Broken Strings - Chapter 14

"Di what is it?" Khushi asked as she came in her room and found Anjali sitting on the floor. She walked to her and then stood shocked seeing the gun in her hand. "Di..." she called in shock.
Anjali looked at her in shock and said, "Khushi ji...this gun in...Chotte's wardrobe..."
Khushi looked at the gun and then at Anjali. "Arnav ji has a gun?" Khushi asked in confusion and shock.
Anjali stood up and the ladies looked at it not knowing what to do.

"I'll look into it ASR. Don't worry!" Suraj said as they both walked out of the station.
"You're going home?" Arnav asked. "No, I have to meet Dr. Kiara!" Suraj said as he got onto his bike. Arnav nodded and walked to his car when he found the tyre punctured.
"Oh shit!" He muttered and dialled Akash's number which was switched off. Suraj saw this and said, "Come ASR, I'll drop you!"

"Where did you have your graduation from?" Kiara asked as she drove the car.
"Harvard!" Advay said.
"Tell me something about those days!" Kiara said smiling. "Why?" Advay frowned. "Simply! Just tell me!" She said.
He sighed and said, "It was boring! Nothing adventurous! When I was at school, I had complete freedom. I used to climb on trees inside campus, play pranks on teachers! I was such a naughty boy. But at college, almost my teachers were papa's college mates who have become teachers there! If I move a finger of mine, they would inform dad. So I had to walk like a kitten for four years!"
She laughed out aloud and he asked, "What about you? How did you become an experienced doctor at such a young age?"
She smiled and said, "Remember I left Silver hills from my 8th grade? I was promoted straight to 12th grade due to my IQ level. Silver Hills was an upper primary school so I left to Good Shepherd International School. So at the age of 13 I was studying with 12th students. I joined MBBS at the age of 14 and graduated out at 18 years. I worked under many doctors for 9 years and now, at the age of 27 joined this hospital as the senior physiatrist."
He was silent and she asked, "What happened?"
"Nothing! Just thinking how come the girl who used to try hard to grab my attention became so intelligent?" Advay said.
"Why? Don't intelligent girls try to grab attentions?" She asked frowning. 
"No. Girls who try to grab attention of boys are stupids!" he said. She chuckled and he asked, "So tell me, do you still have your childhood crush towards me?"
She laughed out loud and said, "You were right Advay. I was stupid that day! Now I'm not!"
"Is that a no?" He asked grinning.
"Of course it is!" She said laughing.

"How come a gun came with bhai?" Akash asked frowning and everyone was standing confused when the door opened and Suraj and Arnav came in.
"ASR, I would just leave!" Suraj said when Arnav said, "Come in Suraj! Have something!"
Suraj sighed and they both walked in when they stopped.
Suraj stared at the gun at Akash's hand. "Akash, what is this? Where did you get a gun from?" Arnav asked shocked.
"From your wardrobe bhai!" Akash said, "How come a gun inside your clothes?"
"Gun inside my clothes!" Arnav said shocked.
"Do you have a gun registered in your name?" Suraj asked. Arnav nodded a no. Suraj sighed and took the gun from Akash with a towel and said, "Let me take this! I'll look into it!"
"Suraj, trust me I don't know how it came in..." Arnav said when Suraj cut him and said, "I said I'll look into it ASR. But you just have got a gun from your wardrobe! Your son had said that it was you who killed his wife with a gun! If I find anything suspicious about you, then our friendship won't come in between justice, you know that!"
"Suraj!" Arnav cried in disbelief, "I didn't kill Hanna! I thought you trust me!"
"I do. But if I find proofs against, then our friendship won't stop me from taking action!" Suraj said, "You're my friend but friendship and laws are different!"
Arnav nodded and said, "You won't find anything suspicious regarding me. Because I never did anything wrong!"
Suraj nodded and walked out.

"Manoj, find the name on which the gun is registered and the bullet type which matches it. And yeah, if it's newly registered gun find the number of registered bullets missing from it!" Suraj ordered to Manoj, his assistant as he walked into Rehabilitation Institute for Physiological Disorders (RIPD).
He cut the call and then dialled another constable of his, "Send message to every hospital of Delhi and the nearby states to check whether they got a body of Hanna's descriptions. Quick, I want the results as soon as possible!"
He walked to the reception and showed his ID. "ACP Suraj Malhotra. I want to meet Dr. Kiara Chaturvedi!"
"Sorry sir, but she is busy with a patient!" the receptionist said after making a call to Kiara. "It's urgent!" Suraj said. Receptionist nodded and dialled Kiara telling, "Mam, he says it's urgent!"
"You can go in sir. That's the way!" receptionist showed him way and Suraj walked away thanked her.

"Hello doctor" Suraj greeted her as he sat down. Kiara greeted him and Suraj said, "I'm here to get details about Advay Singh Raizada"
"Advay?" Kiara frowned.
"ASR approached me for help. But for proceeding in this case, I need to talk with him!" Suraj said, "But I know that he isn't normal. So can I have his medical details?"
Kiara nodded and gave him a file.
Suraj went through it and said, "MPD?"
"Kind of!" She answered. "What about the cure?" he asked.
"Advay is having trust issues. Once it's proved to him who killed his wife, then the cure is easy!" Kiara said.
"Did he see Arnav there with the gun?" he asked.
"That's what he said!" Kiara said, "I asked him again and again and he answered the same! He said that he will identify his father in any darkness! The godown had dim orange light and Advay clearly saw his face!"
"Did Advay describe to you about Hanna's death?" he asked.
"He didn't but his diary did!" She said.
"Can I have the diary?" He asked.
"Diary is with him but I have taken photos of those pages." She said and showed her mobile. Suraj read it and said, "He has clearly written that he saw Arnav!"
"But Mr. Raizada was at party right?" Kiara asked.
"I need to confirm that!" Suraj muttered.
"I hope you really don't think that he did this." Kiara said in disbelief.
"I'm a police man and I believe in proofs!" Suraj said and he got up. "Thank you for your help doctor!" and he walked away. As he stepped out of her cabin, he got a call from Manoj.
"Yes tell me Manoj"
"Sir, we found the gun's registration. It's registered on the name of Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada"
Suraj was silent for a second and then asked, "Newly registered?"
"Yes sir. It had its first set of bullets registered too. And one bullet is missing from the set!"
"Thank you Manoj" Suraj said and hanged the call.
The words rang fresh in his mind.
It's registered on the name of Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada
And one bullet is missing from the set!