Tuesday 27 September 2016

SS: Broken Strings - Chapter 19

The next morning everyone had their breakfast at the table when Kiara announced, "I have to go to my village for 3 days."
Everyone looked at her and she said, "Tomorrow is the new year as per our custom. Tomorrow my chachu will start sowing the seeds for this agricultural season. So there will be some rituals there. So I have to go!" Everyone agreed and Advay asked, "When will you be back?" "Just 3 days Advay!" She said smiling.
Arnav looked at her and told in his mind, "Should inform Suraj!"

Kiara was inside the plane when she got a call from Khushi. "Tell me aunty" she said as she took the call. "Kiara," Khushi said from other side, "Advay is pestering us to let him go to office. Do you think it's safe for him?"
"Office?" Kiara said, "Err...does everyone there know about Hanna and him?" "Yes, they all know Hanna!" Khushi said.
"And that Advay is not well?" Kiara asked.
"No, we have kept that hidden. All staff knows is that Advay is injured due to an accident and Hanna is missing!" Khushi said.
"Going to office is okay but make sure that no one there reminds him of Hanna!" Kiara said.
"If no one takes Hanna's name, is it okay for him?" Khushi asked.
"Oh yes, absolutely fine!" Kiara said.
"Anyway, come back soon dear. Your patient has already started missing his doctor" Khushi said laughing.
Kiara chuckled and said, "Soon aunty. Just 3 days!"


AR Fashion House

Everyone had got strict orders from ASR and Akash that none should mention about Hanna inside the premises of AR, especially not to Advay.
 "Really missed you dude!" Rolf cried as he hugged Advay. "True! It was no fun without you!" Rahul said patting Advay's back. Advay chuckled and said, "I'm back now! And we'll rock!" "YAAYYY!!!!" Aashiq, Rolf, Peter and Rahul cried.
It was then Advay's phone rang. Rolf took it and cried, "Hey who is this Kiara?"
"Err...she is my friend!" Advay cried and took the cell from him and cut it. "Take it!" Aashiq cried. "Friend?" Peter asked with raised eyebrow.
"School mate! I bumped to her from a mall!" Advay cried as he typed a message to her.
Busy right now. @office...will call later.
"Arrey, just introduce us to her yaar!" Peter cried. "How is she? Is she hot?" Aashiq asked.
"Stop it yaar!" Advay cried. "Ho...so possessive about your friend' huh?" Rolf teased and everyone laughed while Advay rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry ASR. I am at Ratnanagari. I have got a place to stay which is just walking distance from Kiara's house!" Suraj said over phone.
"Advay had gone to office today." Arnav said.
"Oh, how did it go?" Suraj asked. "Good. No one mentioned about Hanna and he was very normal!" Arnav said. Suraj said, "Okay, that's good. Found anything suspicious about Kiara?"
"Nothing more than what I said yesterday. She seemed to be very sure that it was not me!" Arnav said.
Suraj said, "You're right! How does she know? She knows you for only two weeks and she already made a firm say that it was not you! Advay himself testifies that it was you whom he saw but Kiara says firmly that it was not you! So she knows something ASR!" Suraj said.
"Oh god! I never thought she would be involved!" Arnav said.
"Don't worry ASR. I'll find it out!" Suraj said and hung the call.

Two days passed without any problems and the next day, Kiara got ready for the pooja at their family field. She wore a beautiful traditional saree and tied her hair into a messy bun.
The pooja was over and dada ji said, "Today is a great day. Aaj ka muhurat bhi acha hai. So I was thinking, why don't we conduct Kiara's and Rudra's engagement today?"
Kiara stood frozen and looked at Rudra Ranawat, their family friend's son, standing with his family. Ranawats and Chaturvedis were family friends since generations. Her chachi is actually a Ranawat. In fact many Ranawats and Chaturvedis have married each other. And it so happened that when Kiara was born her dada ji and papa fixed her marriage with Rudra who was 3 that day! As she grew up, she thought they would forget it but no! She was brought up by saying that she is Rudra's bride. Even Rudra was said the same. Kiara never considered it but the image of Kiara being his wife had been imprinted in Rudra's mind.
Everyone agreed and Kiara looked at dadi hoping that she would support her. But no! Everyone was so into it that none of them heard her voice.
"Bitiya put the ring!" Chachi said to her giving her the traditional Chaturvedi ring. It was her mother's who got it from her mother-in-law who got it from her mother-in-law and so on. Kiara looked at the ring and then at the man before her. "Kiara, what are you thinking? Come on!" Chachu said and everyone nodded.
Kiara gulped down the lump formed at her throat and took the ring and somehow forced it onto his finger. For some reasons she never liked this guy and his family. They were very orthodox. In fact her family is also very orthodox. It was only her father who had the broad mindedness of moving away from the village for another job. Her dadaji was also okay in the case of girl education but in the matter of marriages and life, he was still the same Chaturvedi!
She cringed feeling him holding her hand and putting the ring, caressing her hand more than required. She withdrew her hand as soon as the ceremony was over and smiled forcefully at the people who came to congratulate her.

"She doesn't seem happy!" Manoj said to Suraj. They both were standing far away making sure that no one was seeing them. Suraj rolled his eyes and said, "Let her marry or divorce. I just want to know about her involvement with Hanna!" Manoj sighed. His boss is too professional sometimes!

Arnav was sitting in the poolside when he heard footsteps. He turned back and saw Advay. He stood up and called out, "Advay, come in!"
Advay came in to the poolside and said, "Err...I was...I am bored...so, if you're not busy, then...we could do a bit...of gardening..."
Arnav smiled widely. How much did he miss that? Gardening with his son are the best moments of his life! "Sure!" He cried and Advay smiled faintly.
The junior and senior Raizada got into work and in the middle of cutting the dry leaves, Advay asked softly, "You didn't do that?"
Arnav sighed and said, "No"
"Kiara said that it was not you" he said and looked at Arnav. "She is right. It was not me! I can never kill Hanna" Arnav said.
"Then who was that?" he asked.
"We'll find out!" Arnav said patting his shoulder.
Advay nodded and continued in his work. Arnav looked at his son and vowed in his mind. "Whoever it is, they'll face hell!"

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