Tuesday 27 September 2016

SS: Broken Strings - Chapter 18

Suraj sat on his chair in his cabin holding the file which had every tiny detail of Kiara Chaturvedi.
Kiara Chaturvedi, daughter of Aram and Meera Chaturvedi, is natively from Ratnanagari, a remote village of Madhya Pradesh. Her grandfather Mr. Chaturvedi is a retired military officer. Her parents died in an accident when she was just 3 years old. She was brought up by her grandparents. Her father's brother still stays at Ratnanagari looking after his farm and fields while she and her grandparents shifted to Delhi some years back.
Kiara, being an extremely intelligent student, was promoted to 12th std from her 7th grade. Graduated from the best medical college at the age of 18, she practised physiology under many professionals for 7 years and became an independent physiatrist. She joined RIPD, New Delhi, a month back and has handled 2 cases in this one month. She is currently handling Advay Singh Raizada's MPD case. 
Suraj closed the file with his mind reverberating Kiara's chacha ji's words,
"Hanna is her best friend. They were friends since childhood. But when Hanna left to city years back they lost contact. But after some years, Kiara went to Delhi and they both met by chance. And the friendship returned."
Suraj sighed recalling his meeting with Kiara at the mall one day.
"How is Advay?" he asked her who said, "Doing better. I hope this murder drama gets over soon and it'll be easy for the treatment!"
He nodded and then asked, "Do you know this Hanna?"
"No" Kiara said.
"Woh she is from Ratnanagari and so are you. So I thought..."
"I have met her sir. But we are not acquaintance or something. Just saw her once or twice at bus stop of Ratnanagari. That's all!"

"Why did she lie?" he asked to himself.
Clearly, Kiara knows Hanna. Hell, they are best friends. But why did she lie that she doesn't know her. Why have she kept away the fact of being friends with Hanna from Raizadas? Is she someway related to all this?
Manoj came in and asked, "Sir, what to do about Kiara?"
"Follow her everywhere! If you find anything suspicious, report it to me" Suraj said.
"Sir, do you think she is involved?"
"Manoj, there are two possibilities for her to lie. One is, she is involved in this. And the second is, she know what happened there. She knows everything related to Hanna which she is hiding. She knows something which is useful for us and the Raizadas!" Suraj said and then he suddenly got up, "Manoj, give me Hanna's autopsy reports!"
Manoj gave him the file and Suraj gave a read to it.
"Are you damn sure that this body was of Hanna's?"
"Yes sir. The body matches with Hanna's physical description and also the physical conditions that Advay explained. The lady was raped and shot, just as Advay said." Manoj said.
"You didn't see her face right?" Suraj asked.
"They had burnt the body!" Manoj said.
"Manoj, do you remember, 2 years back we had a case. We had got hold of a body which seemed to be some man's but it was not his. The murderers had replaced someone else's body with his destroying his face."
"Sir, so you mean that Hanna is alive?" Manoj asked.
"Just an assumption. May or may not be true!" Suraj said.

Arnav was sitting inside his cell when he heard the lock being opened. He saw Suraj coming in and he stood up. "Suraj please..." he began when Suraj cut him and said, "You are free to go ASR"
Arnav looked at him startled and Suraj said, "I know that it's not you. Someone is framing you. But my higher officials won't be satisfied if they didn't see anyone being arrested. They want someone to be in jail, need not be the culprit. So I arrested you!"
Arnav sighed and said, "Who is the real culprit?"
"We're enquiring ASR. But let me tell you something. Keep an eye over that girl, Kiara" Suraj said. Arnav looked at him startled. Suraj nodded and said, "I know it shocks you but do that. I need to know every move of hers. Inform me!"
"Is she involved?" Arnav asked shocked.
"May be" Suraj mumbled and walked out while Arnav stood shocked.

Night, 9 pm

"Why are you sitting here? Go downstairs and have dinner!" Kiara said to Advay who was sitting in poolside. He nodded no and she said, "Your father is back! Go to him! Everyone is so happy here! Join them!"
Advay smiled sarcastically and said, "They are enjoying as the murderer has returned from his prison!"
"Advay!" Kiara said with her eyes wide, "He is your father!"
"And my wife's murderer!" Advay said bitterly.
"We have talked about this earlier Advay!" Kiara said sitting beside him, "Do you really think he can do this?"
"I saw him Kiara!" He said.
"And I told you, sometimes our eyes cheat us!" Kiara said sternly. "Do you really think so?" He asked looking at her.
She nodded and he asked, "Do you really think it's not dad?"
"Yes, it's not him!" She said firmly.
"He didn't kill Hanna?" He asked.
"NO, he didn't!" She said firmly.
"Then whom did I see there?" He asked.
"Someone who resembles your dad or someone who intentionally dressed up like your dad!" Kiara said.
Advay sat thinking while she smiled seeing his change. Finally! He has started to think over it!
But what she didn't notice was Arnav standing near the door listening to their talks.
"How could she tell it so firmly? Advay saw me there and he is firm on his say. But Kiara is firm on her statement that it was not me, which is true. But how does she know? How can she be so sure?" Arnav thought to himself.

Arnav leaned on the headboard with Khushi sleeping beside him hugging him tightly. He smiled faintly seeing her tight hold on his waist which clearly shows her fear of losing him. He caressed her soft hairs and placed a kiss there.
His mind went back to the previous day when he was lying on the cold hard floor of the cell. Those iron bars and the dim light...it's so scary. It was yesterday night he realized that how much his son must be suffering living inside those iron bars of the hospital for one whole month! How much would he have been scared? Did he also cry out hard like he did yesterday? He would have also felt like breaking the bars and running home to hug his family right?
He gasped realizing the pain his son is suffering. His Advay saw his wife being raped in front of him. And someone came and killed her. And that someone resembled himself! His Advay has suffered so much, a 1000 times than his parents suffered due to his absence! His wife's death, his baby's death and the sight of his father with gun...his son is terrified and how on earth could he leave him in a mental asylum?
Arnav somehow got rid of Khushi's hold from his waist and covering her with a blanket walked out of the room to Advay's room. He slowly pushed the door which opened to show him a dark room.
Arnav walked in and saw his son lying on bed with his palms covering his ears and his tightly closed eyes. Arnav walked to him and sat beside him. He could hear that he was mumbling something.
Arnav leaned and heard him mumbling, "Hanna..."
His heart pained seeing his son's state and he slowly caressed his hairs. Advay shot opened his eyes and sat up on the bed seeing his father before him.
Arnav smiled faintly and caressed his hairs. Advay looked at him with his tear stricken face and suddenly hugged him tight.
"Papa...they...they are hurting my...my Hanna...they..." he started saying hysterically and Arnav patted his back and caressed his hairs whispering softly, "It's fine...nothing has happened...relax..."
"Hanna...she..." Advay gulped and Arnav said, "Relax, everything is fine...see I'm here! You're home! Everything is perfect..."
He withdrew from the hug and wiped away the sweat beads from Advay's face. He made him lie on the bed and covered him with a blanket. "Sleep" he said softly and caressed his hairs.
"Hanna...my baby..." Advay kept on mumbling and he slowly drifted into slumber feeling Arnav caressing his hairs. "Han...n...a..." he mumbled lastly and then fell asleep.
Arnav kissed his forehead and covered him properly with the blanket.
Khushi stood by the door watching the scene in tears.

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