Wednesday 29 June 2016

SS: Shattered Souls - Chapter 3

Chapter 3

AK Fashions, 9.45 am

"Okay, so I am a brother who is busy selecting dresses for my sister's birthday party. I do not find anything good from any shops and comes to AK Fashion boutique. And I find the best there. Is it so?" Ruhaan asked reading the script.
"Yes, so we'll have to shoot from 2 locations - one from AK boutique and another from any other shop where you express your frustration on the salesgirl there for not presenting a good dress!" Khushi said.
Ruhaan asked, "And what about other characters?"
Akash said, "You'll have 2 co-stars acting as your parents. You three set off together for sister's dress. "
Ruhaan nods.
"So Ruhaan, shall we move to the location?" Khushi asked.
"Did I say that I approve the script?" Ruhaan asked with an eyebrow raised.
"Err...we..." Khushi began when Ruhaan cut her and said, "My dad finalizes things. Without his approval I won't shoot!" He declared.
"But did you like the script?" Khushi asked.
Ruhaan sighed and said, "It's okay. Kaafi dramatic hai but phir bhi (It's a bit dramatic...but still)'s okay..."
"And your costume?" Khushi asked showing the dress for him.
Ruhaan nodded and said, "Good, I liked it!"
Turning to Aman, Ruhaan said, "Aman uncle, when will papa come?"
Looking at the time, Aman said, "Just few minutes!"
"Okay then, I'll change to the costume. By the time dad will come!" Ruhaan said to Akash and Khushi who nodded and called for their PA to show Ruhaan his area.

"Hello Aman" Akash greeted Aman who was talking with the director of the shoot.
Aman turned and found Khushi and Akash. He signed the director to go who did. "Hello Akash" Aman then said to Akash.
"It was sir for you, remember?" Akash said.
"It WAS but it isn't now. I'm no longer your employee!" Aman said and turning to Khushi, "How are you bhabhi?"
"I'm fine Aman ji but call me Khushi. I am no longer your bhabhi." Khushi said politely.
"How are you?" Khushi asked.
"Fine." Aman replied.
 "By the way, how did you end up being Ruhaan's asst manager?" Khushi asked.
Aman laughed and said, "I worked in some companies for a while when I met Ruhaan's dad. He needed an asst and I readily agreed!"
Akash nodded and Khushi said, "You're still welcome to AK. You know that right?"
Aman nodded and said, "I know that I'm welcome but I won't come to a place where my boss is being insulted!"
"He is no longer your boss!" Akash said.
"He was, he is and he will be my boss forever!" Aman said sternly.
"Now stop you both!" Khushi said, "Don't bring up his name here!"
Aman looked at her and asked, "You hate him a lot, do you?"
Khushi looked away and nodded.
"Look into my eyes and say yes Bhabhi'." Aman said stressing the word bhabhi. Khushi looked at his face and stood mum.
Aman smiled and said, "You can never do that!" After a pause he said, "You can never hate him, no matter how much you try!"
Akash was about to say something when Aliya, Ruhaan's PA came running. "Sir, Ruhaan is being very fussy! He is shouting and throwing things!" she said panting.
Aman sighed and took his cell dialling a number.
"Where are you sir?" He asked. Akash and Khushi looked at him.
"Sir, your son is throwing tantrums here. If you're not here in a few seconds, the whole set will burn under Ruhaan's rage!" Aman said.
"Okay sir!" Aman said and cut the call.
"Where is he?" Aman asked to Aliya while keeping the cell back to his pocket.
"In the room sir!" Aliya said and Aman turned his heels walking to the door and Akash and Khushi heard him saying to Aliya, "Sir will be late for another half and hour!"
And they heard Aliya's shocked words, "Sir, Ruhaan will burst like a volcano!" Aman nodded and walked to Ruhaan's room.

"Ruhaan, try to understand..." Akash began when Ruhaan threw the paper of script to the floor and shouted, "I don't want to hear anything! Change the script NOW!"

"But you said that you're okay with it!" Khushi said.
Aman sighed and said, "Ruhaan, calm down! I'll call your dad and..."
"He has some work regarding your passport Ruhaan!" Aman said calmly.
"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING!" Ruhaan shouted, "AND YOU PEOPLE," (He said turning to Akash and Khushi), "If you want me to do this ad, then change the script now! And also bring me another costume. This shirt is not of my size. WHO THE HELL DESIGNED THIS? IT'S A FASHION HOUSE AND YOU CANNOT GET A GOOD DRESS! WHAT..." Ruhaan trailed off when everyone heard a stern voice.
"What's wrong with you Ruhaan?"
Akash and Khushi who were facing Ruhaan stood frozen hearing that voice.
"Dad..." Ruhaan called and ran to him past Akash and Khushi who stood frozen with their backs to that person.
"Where were you dad?" Ruhaan asked hugging his father. "I had some work! But what are you doing here?" Arnav asked a bit sternly.
Ruhaan withdrew from hug and said, "Dad these people are really dramatic. I mean, look at the silly!"
Aman came there and said, "Sir, there is no problem with the script. He is just being fussy!"
"What the..." Ruhaan began when Arnav said, "Ruhaan, give me the script!"
Aman bend down at the floor and took the papers Ruhaan had thrown. Handing it to Arnav, Aman said, "Sir, Ruhaan broke one camera in his anger!"
Arnav glared at Ruhaan and Ruhaan looked down in a puppy face. The director of the shoot came and said, "Yes sir, now we cannot shoot. Our camera is broken!"
Arnav sighed and said, "I'm extremely sorry for his behaviour. And the camera...I'll pay for it!"
The director nodded and said, "Ok sir, we'll meet tomorrow. We cannot shoot today!" Arnav nodded and the director called out "PACK UP!"

Akash and Khushi, who were standing with their backs facing him, slowly turned to see Ruhaan's dad.
Khushi clutched the sides of her saree and bit her lips to prevent tears looking at the man before her. Arnav! Her Arnav ji! He was scolding Ruhaan who was standing before him with vision down. But she heard nothing! All she saw was his angry eyes and moving lips as he was scolding the boy. He is still the same but she noticed 2-3 grey hairs. He indeed looked handsome! Dressed in dark blue shirt and black jeans, he was still looking the same.
Akash stood shocked seeing his brother before him. He was scolding Ruhaan and still looked the same angry man. The ASR! Akash could still see the ASR aroma around him. Ruhaan's and Aman's scared eyes was giving him flashbacks on ASR roaring at AR office.
It dawned Khushi. Ruhaan hugged him and called "Dad". But Ruhaan's dad and Arnav Khushi looked at Akash who also looked at her in the same confusion.

"This behaviour of yours is intolerable Ruhaan!" Arnav said finishing his scolding session.
"I'm sorry dad" Ruhaan said slowly.
Arnav sighed and turning to Aman asked, "Where is AK's owner? I need to apologize to them!"
Aman said seeing Akash and Khushi standing behind Arnav, "Sir, they are right behind you."
Arnav turned suddenly and said, "I'm so sorry for my so..." he trailed off seeing the two figures before him.
Ruhaan saw them and said, "Dad, he is Akash Raizada and she is Khushi Raizada - owners of AK"

But neither Khushi, Akash nor Arnav heard him. They were just staring at each other.

SS: Shattered Souls - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Shantivan, 10.00 pm

"Khushi ji...I got a call from Ruhaan's PA. He and his manager would come to AR, tomorrow at sharp 9." Akash said as he entered Khushi's room.
"Ok Jeeju...but I was thinking something. Instead of a photo shoot why don't we try for an ad?" Khushi asked standing up from the chair she was sitting keeping the file in her hand aside.
"Yeah, we could shoot an advertisement with him. We could promote our company. You very well know that our rivals are trying to overcome us!" Khushi said.
Akash nodded.
Khushi said, "Our rivals mustn't know that Ruhaan is shooting for us! It should be a secret!"
Akash said, "I'll call his asst. Manager and ask about the ad!"
"Why asst. Manager? What about his manager?" Khushi asked.
"Ruhaan's manager is his father. I'm unable to contact him. I contacted his assistant. And do you know Khushi ji, his voice sounded familiar!" Akash said.
"Familiar?" Khushi frowned.
"Yeah, really familiar!" Akash said.
"Okay, leave call him and ask about it!" Khushi said and Akash nodded and went out.
Little did they know that the familiar' voice belongs to none other than Aman Mathur, ASR's well known punch bag!

"YEH SHAADI NAHI HO SAKTHI!" (This marriage cannot happen) The loud voice of Subadra Malik echoed in the marriage hall.

"Aaj Arnav ji aur humari biya hai...vo aayengi..." (It's mine and Arnav ji's wedding today. He'll come!)
"Aayengi?" (Will he come?) Subadra mocked her.
"Aayengi!!!!" (He'll come) said a determined Khushi.
"Thoda hum bhi jaante hai apne pothe ko...vo nahi aayenge!" (Even I know my grandson. He WON'T come) Subadra said.
"Wo aayengi...use aana hoga...hum uska intezaar karengi." (He'll come! He has to come! I'll wait for him)
"Poori Zindagi chale jayenge use intezaar karke..." (You'll waste your whole life waiting for him) said Subadra.
"Wo aayengi..." (He will come) said a determined Khushi.

She sat up on the bed with a gasp.
The same nightmare which was haunting her for the past 7 years.
Subadra Malik, the lady who destroyed her life, had exposed her mother in front of the whole family and had cancelled the wedding. After creating the chaos, she went back to the ashram contented on the damage she had caused.
Tears rolled down Khushi's cheeks recalling how she sat on the mandap waiting for him to come.
She didn't notice her family asking her to come back. She didn't notice Anjali, Nani and Mami telling Garima not to apologize for a mistake she never did. The fault was with Arvind Malik. He was the spineless bas***d playing two timing with two women. It was his fault, not Garima's.
Whoever the guilty was, it was her who paid for her mistakes.
If only, if only he had turned up on the altar. If only he had come back for her, for his love! If only he had showed up saying, "I'm sorry for being late Khushi". If only...
Clutching her hair tightly, she whispered, "I hate you! I hate you so much Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada!"
Breathing heavily, she whispered furiously, "You forgot all the promises you gave me! You forgot the bachelor party night when we became one! You forgot the sacred chain you had tied on my neck from the mandir even if it was for the 6 month contract! You forgot everything!"
"I HATE YOU ARNAV!!!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!" She uttered furiously hoping that her mind and heart would fix and would start hating that man.
But can she ever hate him?
If yes, she would have started hating him long ago.
So it's a NO.
Khushi can never hate her Arnav ji!

Hotel Millennium, 2.30 am

Standing in the balcony, he looked at the big city before him. Delhi looks so alive and busy even at nights. 
Inhaling the nightly scent of Delhi, he closed his eyes and then opened it looking at the sky.

"Don't hurt rose for the thorn's mistake!"
His mother's words rang in his mind as soon as he saw the crushed rose under the bench.
His mind suddenly flashed to the bachelor party night when they had become one. The words she had said, "Hume bharosa hai...aap pe...aap ke pyaar pe..." (I trust you and your love for me)
How can I do this to her? How can I punish her for my father's mistake? HOW?
"Yeh sach jaane ke baad kya aap uske saath poori Zindagi bitha paayengi?" (Will you be able to spent your whole life with her after knowing this truth?)Dadi's words rang.
I can live my whole life and the life after that, with Khushi. She is my angel, my love! I can live with fact I CANNOT breathe without MY Khushi!
I should go!
My Khushi is waiting!

If only, if only he had reached his destination...he would have been with his family! With his happiness, Khushi! If only he had driven his car carefully, Ruhaan would have been happy with his family, playing and laughing with his little sister! If only...
Arnav clutched his hair and whispered, "You're the biggest mistake in everyone's life Arnav!
If you weren't there, Khushi's family wouldn't have faced insults due to the Lucknow fashion show video. If you weren't there, Khushi would have been happy. If you weren't there, she would have probably married someone who would care and love her. If you weren't there, Ruhaan would have had a happy family! If you weren't there, Ruhaan wouldn't be an orphan!
You're the biggest curse in everyone's life!"
He turned and looked at the 16 year old boy sleeping on the bed.
"I'll fulfil my promise Karan. Your son would grow as you wished! Ayesha, your son would be the best singer of the you wished..." He whispered and looked up the sky gazing at the 2 stars shining brightly.
"I'm sorry..." he whispered, just as he does, for the past 7 years.

Next morning

Shantivan, 8.15 am

"Why aren't you ready?" Khushi frowned seeing her daughter sitting on the sofa watching cartoon, wearing her pink night dress.
"She said she is on leave!" Akash replied for his niece who was so into the cartoon.
"Why?" Khushi frowned.
Aashi noticed her mom and said, "Mamma, I'm coming with you. I wanna see Ruhaan!"
Khushi sighed and said, "You can meet him in the evening! Now go to school!"
"Mamma please...I wanna meet Ruhaan!" Aashi whined.
"Aashi...NO...he would be busy in the morning and you can't meet him. I will surely take you to him in the evening. Pakka promise!" Khushi said pinching her throat.
"Promise?" Aashi asked unsure.
"Promise!" Khushi said.
"Okay then...I'll go!" Aashi said and ran upstairs.

Hotel Millennium, 8.30 am

"Papa, have you met the owners of AK Fashions?" Ruhaan asked.
Arnav nodded no and said, "Why?"
Ruhaan said, "They are very private people. It's said that they never revealed themselves. So I just asked whether you met them ever. You were in the business field na?"
"AK Fashions started some 6 years ago, after I left the business world!" Arnav said.
"And that's why they are successful! If you were there, then no one would ne No.1 because my dad is the best!" Ruhaan said hugging him.
Arnav smiled and ruffled his hair.
"Dad!" Ruhaan whined, "Do you have any idea about the hours I spent in spiking this hair?" He asked and ran to the mirror.
"Seriously, are you a boy or a girl?" Arnav asked amused seeing the boy jumping in front the mirror and doing something on his hair.

AK Fashions, 8.55 am

"So, his manager agreed for ad?" Khushi asked.
Akash nodded and said, "And Khushi ji, do you know the Ruhaan's dad's assistant is?"
"Aman!" Akash said.
Khushi looked at him shocked.
Akash nodded and said, "He now works for Ruhaan!"
Khushi said, "Is he mad? Working as Ruhaan's father's assistant? Being your PA would give him more money than that!"
Akash sighed and said, "He fought with me and stormed out of AK, remember?"
Khushi sighed and said, "You had insulted his boss, ASR, and the loyal PA of ASR bashed on you!"
Akash said, "I didn't insult him. I just said the truth that his boss, the great ASR, is just a spineless coward!"
"Akash ji, what about Ruhaan? When will he come?" Khushi asked changing the topic.
"He'll be here now! Ah, there he comes!" Akash said looking at the black Mercedes zooming into the compound of AK Fashions.

Every employee of AK had gathered for welcoming the rockstar Ruhaan and Khushi stood holding a bouquet of white lilies.
Two black SUVs which came ahead and behind the Mercedes stopped and many men wearing black and black stepped out. They assembled themselves creating a path for their masters.
The front passenger seat of the Mercedes opened and a man wearing white full sleeved shirt and black pant with black tie stepped out. Khushi and Akash identified him as Aman Mathur.
He opened the back door and there stepped out the great pop star, Ruhaan!
Ruhaan stepped out and the crowd broke into screams watching the teen sensation before them.
"RRRUUHHHAAANNN" They screamed and Ruhaan waved to them.
Aman turned around and spotted Akash and Khushi.
Walking to them, he whispered in his mind, "Sorry ASR, but I have to do this! It's high time that you meet them, your family!"
Ruhaan followed Aman and saw the man and the woman with the bouquet. He smiled at them and Aman said, "Ruhaan, this is Akash Singh Raizada and Khushi Singh Raizada, owners of AK Fashions"
Ruhaan shook hands with them and Khushi gave him the bouquet. He thanked her and handed over the bouquet to his PA, Aliya who was behind him.
"Ruhaan, didn't your manager...I mean...your dad come?" Akash asked.
Ruhaan smiled and said, "Actually he had an urgent work regarding our passports! Don't worry, he'll be on the time of shoot!"
"Yeah, Ruhaan won't shoot until his dad approves it!" Aman said.
Ruhaan chuckled and said, "He's right! The designs, dresses, locations everything must be approved by my dad. If my dad is pleased, then I'm sure, that'll be the best!"
Akash and Khushi smiled and Khushi said, "Come in Ruhaan. Welcome to AK!"
"Thanks" Ruhaan said and they walked inside through the path created by the body guards.
As they walked into AK Fashions, Aman whispered to himself, "ASR, do make a grand entry and god, please don't make him kill me for hiding the fact that I knew about Akash and Khushi being AK's owners!"