Saturday 28 May 2016

Arshi TS: A Change - SHOT 1

First Shot: A CHANGE

Tears rolled down her cheek watching her husband playing basket ball with his ex-girlfriend and her son. She shifted her vision to the left where all her family members were cheering for them and no one, no one of them, were bothered about her.

She walked out of the basket ball court dejectedly when she saw some college girls standing there watching the game.
"What a cute family na?" One of the girl said and the another girl said, "Ha, they both look perfect! And that boy looks exactly like his father!"
Khushi stopped and turned back to see their object of vision and her heart broke beyond repair on knowing that the perfect' family the girls were referring to was none other than HER husband, Sheetal and Aarav.

He was enjoying the game being the referee till he saw how Nannav and their guest was making fun of his best friend. He watched how she walked out of the court dejected and then stood outside watching them play. He looked at Nannav playing with Sheetal and Aarav and a sudden fear engulfed him.
He looked at his best friend Khushi who had tears rolling down her cheek. None of the family members noticed it but he did! He knew, she was in pain!
He shifted his vision once again to the playing couple' and for the first time in his life felt disgusted of his brother. He looked at Khushi again but she was not there.
Seeing no one noticing him, he walked out of the court and ran towards Khushi when he saw her stopping and also heard the girls' talk.

Khushi ran from the place to a garden and sat there crying her heart out.
Her mind went back to the days when she and her Arnav ji were happily living. Their dates, dinners, late night drives, everything flashed in her mind. But everything changed when she entered - Sheetal!
She cried remembering how Arnav ji shouted at her as she did a DNA test of Aarav and his. But what else can she do? How can she not suspect him when a boy walks before her behaving exactly like him? How can she stay calm when that boy who behaves like him happens to be his ex-girlfriend's son with whom he was in relationship for 2 to 3 years?
"Khushi ji..."
She heard a familiar voice and looked up. She saw NK sitting next to her and asking,
"Are you okay?"
She nodded and he said, "I know what your problem is! It's Sheetal right?"
She kept mum and he said, "I can see Khushi ji. Everyone in the house is taking you for granted. They do not care for your feelings because they believe that whatever and however the matter is you won't leave them and you'll definitely forgive them!"
After a pause he continued, "Do you know what your negative point is Khushi ji?" Khushi looked at him and he said,
"You're so good!"
Khushi looked at him confused and he said,

"Khushi ji, being good in this world is also bad. You need to fight for yourself. I know Nannav loves you but he takes you for granted. In fact, everyone at Raizada mansion takes Khushi for granted. Fight for yourself Khushi ji. Can't you see it, they are treating a guest better than you! Sheetal holds a position in the house while you do not."
Khushi wiped her tears and nodded. Taking a deep breath, she said, "I have decided something Nanhe ji. You need to help me!"
NK smiled and nodded seeing her determination.
He knew,
His feisty friend is back!

"But where are they?" Arnav asked again and HP said politely, "They didn't come home Arnav bhaiyya. I thought she is with you all."
"Where did they go?" Anjali asked and everyone stood tensed.
It was when the game finished Arnav noticed that Khushi is absent. Everyone searched her everywhere and then noticed that NK is also missing. They had called up home and got to know that they were not there too! They searched them everywhere and returned home in the hope that they would have returned but no!
 "This girl...why the hell can't she take calls?" Arnav muttered in irritation as Khushi didn't pick his call and nor didn't NK.
On finding an opportunity, Sheetal said,
"How can Khushi go like that with NK when her husband is waiting for her? It's high time she behaves like an adult!"
Everyone kept mum which fuelled Sheetal.
"I think she and NK went for some shopping. They would return when they want. We all are worrying unnecessarily." Sheetal said and again no one said anything.
Everyone moved towards the living room and sat on it ordering HP to bring coffee and snacks.
"ASR, the game was awesome!" Aarav said and Arnav smiled. "Ha Arnav," Sheetal said, "Do you remember our college days when we both were against the whole college team!"
"Really?" Akash asked and Arnav said, "Ha, we both were the best of the college and were the captain and vice captain of the basketball team. We were given a name...err..."
"Awesome twosome!" Sheetal said. "Bingo!" Arnav said and they both hi-fived.
"Now that I'm also there, we'll be Awesome threesome!" Aarav said and everyone laughed, forgetting the very truthful fact that Khushi is STILL missing!

It was then everyone heard some voices.
Everyone stood up and looked towards that direction and got the shock of their life.
There was Khushi Kumari Guptas Singh Raizada walked to the living room wearing a knee length floral frock and high pointed heels with her long hair cut into layers and curled a bit. A mangalsutra adorned her neck and a diamond bracelet in her hand. Her right hand had a white purse and she walked to the living with NK who was holding many bags.
"Khushi..." Arnav said coming out of the shock.
Khushi stopped and looked at him.
"Khushi ji, NK bhai, where were you?" Anjali asked, "We were so worried!"
"Worried?" Khushi asked sarcastically, "I think I should go for an eye check up because as per my vision you people were enjoying here rather than being worried."
Everyone stood rooted by hearing such a tone from Khushi for the first time.
"Khushi you could have informed me that you're going for shopping!" Arnav said angrily.
"Why should I inform you? You are my husband, I agree but I have my own freedom! I'll go wherever I wish to!" Khushi said in equal anger.
Everyone stood shocked and Sheetal said grabbing the chance,
"Khushi, is this a way to talk to your husband? He was hell worried for you! And what do you mean by you'll go wherever you wish to. He is your husband Khushi! At least respect your husband!"
Khushi looked at the family who were keeping quiet as if agreeing with her and said, "Who are you to command me Ms. Sheetal Kapoor! You're just a guest here. Don't behave like you own the place. And regarding my behaviour with my husband, it's a matter between us. So, you better stay in your limits!"
"How dare you talk to my mother like that?" Aarav shouted angrily.
"Teach your son some manners or else I'll beat the hell out of him!" Khushi said dangerously and walked away.
Everyone looked at each other and Sheetal burned in anger.
"NK, at least you could've informed me!" Arnav said angrily.
"Wo kya hai na Arnav, you were busy with your ex-girlfriend. So I thought not to disturb you!" NK said sarcastically and walked away holding the bags.

"Khushi what the hell is this?" Arnav asked angrily as he entered the room.
Khushi who was arranging her clothes in cupboard turned to him and asked, "What?"
Arnav walked to her and pulled her to him by arms, "What the hell are you doing? Why are you behaving so rudely?"
"Why does it bother you?" Khushi asked rudely freeing herself, "I'll behave the way I like! You needn't worry about that!"
"JUST STOP IT KHUSHI!" Arnav shouted.
"Khushi, you insulted Sheetal and Aarav. Why did you do that?" He asked angrily.
Oh, so it's about Sheetal and Aarav! Khushi's eyes were filled. Her husband is not bothered on her change in dressing or her behaviour. He is bothered because she shouted at his ex-girlfriend and son. Feeling anger bubbling in her, she shouted,
"Why does it matter to you if I insulted Sheetal and Aarav? How are they related to you? Oh I forgot, she is your ex girlfriend right? So there is a high chance that Aarav is your son! Ah, he behaves exactly like you, talks like you, eats like you...and you're also attached to him. Hmm...I think he is really your son! Go and ask Sheetal if you both had any se..."
"KHUSHI!!!!!!!!!!" Arnav shouted and raised his hands to slap her but stopped it in mid-air.
Khushi stood shocked seeing his hands raised. She hid her tears and shouted, "WHY DID YOU STOP? SLAP ME, COME ON, DO IT!"
Arnav withdrew his hand and stormed out of the room angrily while Khushi slumped on the floor crying her heart out.
"No Khushi...don't be weak!" Khushi said wiping her tears, "Recall what Nanhe ji said. Fight for yourself. It's high time that Raizadas learn to treat their daughter-in-law properly.

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